Range Reports VII

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, who's been shooting recently?

I went out to the range today with my beloved --no-- ....
With my Cherished--nope...

With my often carried ..--uhhhhhhh--

with my sorta okay (yeah, that's it!) PT-99!

What's that? No wistful sigh of Envy?
Oh, that was a scoff then, was it??

Well, I thought that since I may be asked to qualify very soon with a Beretta 92, I'd better go ahead and practice with the closest thing in my collection. (you see the wise Virginians that are acquiring the DAO USPs are using 92s right now...).

I ran through two different self administered qualification courses with it. I passed both times ;). Then I blew through an extra box of ammo. I hardly ever shoot 9mm, and the gun actually got to be "fun" to shoot by the end of the session. I had a few jams, which were convenient only in that I got to refresh my familiarity with the manual of arms on the ol' Taurus.

All the talk lately about the Bren Ten made me feel like I needed to shoot some 10mm, so I ran about 50 rounds through the EAA Witness. The more I shoot this gun, the more I like it. In fact, if it weren't so heavy and I could get a few hi-caps, I might even consider it a carry option.

I also fired 15 rounds through the Scout, at 75-100 yards at a Tactical Ted, which was fun. Then, for comparison's sake I shot my CAR (with holo-site) at the same range/target. I was quicker with the Holosite, but not by much and both guns put the rounds where I wanted them to go.

That was probably my last session at the ol'range here in TN, at least for awhile.

I went to the range Friday to shoot a new toy. Okay, actually it's an old toy but it's a new toy to me!

I also wanted to shoot several rifles and a "couple" handguns!

I had guns! I had ammo! I had TARGETS!!!

The range was closed.

(mumbled curses heard here, followed by considerable pouting!)

If you expect ME to feel sorry for YOU just because you're changing ranges, well, just think again! So there! :(

(pout, grumble, grouse...... the one day I had the opportunity..... danged range is closed..... didn't even say why!....pout, grumble & grouse!)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 26, 1999).]
My last trip out, it was HOT!. Temp hovering in the upper nineties, don't even ask about humidity. Normal summer weather around here.
I ran about 100 rounds through the Mini-30. Actually, I was function testing some new mags. That went well.
Ran some load experiments in .38 Spl through the S&W 19. I bought it used and it's a nice gun, but real finicky. Sucker must have been made during the Lear years.
Then, just for fun, I did some off hand shooting with my scoped Buckmark. Took great pleasure in watching the ten ring disappear at 25 yds!
I had other guns with me, but by now I was just a dishrag what with the heat. So I packed it in. Still had a great time.
Y'all make me feel the embarrassment of my riches. I have access to a private 300 yard range, which is wonderful-- no one's there, I can plink, I can set dingers up in my own configuration... BUT. BUT, the grass is getting kinda tall, and I need to mow it. It's 100 degrees for the 3rd day in a row. I want to keep my brass because I reload. The wood target backing is falling over from rain, wind, sun, and many, many bullets fired through it. (occasional "vandalism" by others "patterning" their shotguns at about 15 feet contributes to these target backings dying quickly, too.) So, I've got to put in a range day, in which I'm going to have to work like a dog! Sometimes we forget what that range fee buys you!

Last weekend I function-fired a cute M-90 Beretta that my wife inherited from her father. It's in .32 and is almost exactly the size of a Walther PP, which it closely resembles. The frame is alloy, and the safety that is very positive. DA, but can be stored in Condition 0ne or Two. Really a very high-quality piece, but TOO BIG for a .32 acp! My wife likes it, though, and it prints dead on, with a number of loads, including HP's which it chambered well.

Also did a lot of drawing from concealed hip-carry, with lots of "dueling tree" races against my father. Thought I had a concealed carry match the next day, but it was the following weekend, which I worked (damn.).
Well, I took out my new potential significant other to the range on Saturday ( beautiful, 5'4", brunette, gorgeous smile, slow southern drawl, curvy.. ahem) armed with a 16" shorty AR-15 scout-sighted with an Aimpoint ML. NATO surplus 5.56 ammo. A USP .45 Tactical and a couple boxes of IMI .45 ball. Ruger customized 10/22.

It was hovering around 90 degrees in the hollers, we got drenched by a sudden hour long thunderstorm, yet she had a BLAST! She would hit everything from pop cans to exploding targets at 100 yards with the AR and emit cute little giggles. She shot the .45 and didn't like it too much, and kept returning to the AR. Hell, she didn't even want to shoot the sans recoil 10/22 because the AR was too fun. I think I'm in love. I think I'll keep her. I'll keep the AR too. **sigh** :)
Long Path,

My heart is really bleeding for you about the state of your PRIVATE RANGE. ;)

That ain't sweat from this heat, it's just a little excess jealousy!

Went to the range and put a few mags through my P7. Talk about accelerating the heat! Fortunately, I've got 9mm brass out the wazoo so I just donated it to the next "collector" that happened along. I would have shot my Tactical but I didn't feel like picking up the brass. Call me lazy but it's DAMN hot in the Hoosier lands.



NRA Life Member
It ain't my grammer, it's me tpyign!
Sometimes it is eaiser to apologize than ask permission

[This message has been edited by David's USP (edited July 26, 1999).]
P7s get hot enough.... Did it start to Glow in this waether??

For the record, this is not a range I am leaving behind, this is my home-range in my backyard!.. I shot the scout from my deck!

I'm gonna miss the luxury.....
You REALLY know how to hurt a guy!!! Pout, Grumble & REALLY Grouse! :(

It can be hard leaving home. Good luck, Rob.
I went to the range on Thursday and Friday last week. My wife needed to practice with the .243 (see Shameless Brag from a few months ago)and I did some defensive pistol drills. Our six week old daughter was there, and all smiles, wearing her baby "ears" and "eyes" as Mom hit the ten ring and Dad was double-tapping the center of mass. Its great to be alive...
Finally got out to the range Sunday. Temp in the high 90's and humidity enough to swim in. But, I hadn't been out in four months and had three new guns to try.

I took the new KelTec P32 out and put 75 rounds of three different brands ammo through it. No problems. I like this little pocket pistola. Also took the new Ruger Mark II out. Nice feel, nice trigger and very accurate.

And for the inexpensive toy of the week. A HI Point 9 mm carbine. Worked better than I thought. I also had my KT P11 for a few practice rounds. IT was a good couple hours but a very hot day at the range.

I again proved to my self that accuracy is not my strong forte.

I immediately went home and jumped in the swimming pool.

Jim in IN

The Bren Ten stuff is probably my fault. I started it over on Glock Talk and it's my all-time favorite pistol. I'm just trying to figure out a way to afford one without giving up my firstborn male child, and hide the expense of a pistol that expensive from my Girlfriend!

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited July 27, 1999).]
Almost had a Dennis type experience except that the range was open. My misfortune was that I brought my flintlock, my possibles bag, but had removed the flint for cleaning and placed it in a box which normally goes into the possibles bag. It wasn't there. Played with my .22 instead. It reached 104 in the shade that day.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Rob, I'm really glad to get the report, but I think I speak for everyone when I say "Weren't you supposed to take off TFL for awhile?" ;) ;) ;)

I have a feeling Rob's going to figure out a way to chime in here every now and then on weekends from the academy - TFL is addictive, no?

spleenandideal, how does that commercial go? - "Guys, it just doesn't get any better than this".

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 27, 1999).]
Yeah, I had a chance to do some plink hunting...
With a fellow has a Smith 945... who was cracious enough to let me fire a few.
While he was most pleased with is almost 1911... I was less than impressed. It was very S&W, and needed some work. It functioned great - no fouls or errors... but it was just off... Not accuracy, just "feel" you know? The scale like serations look cool, but feel sharp... and the circle on the slide looks like a left over that should not be on a gun that spendy! All in all, for the money, I would rather go with a Sig P210, HK USP EXPERT or another High Snoot shooter. The 945 is too over-rated by S&W.

My USP .40, Walther PPK/S, "Twin" Springfields, and my Bushmaster M-4 all fired flawlessly.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Actrually, Futo, thanks for you concern, but I thought I made it clear that I wasn't leaving until the end of this week.

Anxious? ;)
Well I didn't get to shoot but the kids did.
Took my number 2 son to a trap shoot for kids.
First time for him.He got to a shoot-off for the trophy,got beat. Then in a shoot-off for a prize,he won.
Next day a fun shoot at the range. Kids shot up 600 rounds of 22 ammo.They had fun.