Range Reports III (or IV ??)

Rob Pincus

New member
At the request of long time member Kodiac, I am going to give this thread one more shot...

It was started back in October to get members to document their plinking/practicing and get some all-to-rare talk about actual shooting.

In light of recent threads consumed with politics and rhetoric, I hope that some people are stilljust going out and enjoying their guns.

This afternoon I put up a few targets and played around with the Scout for awhile. I fired a few slow shots (offahnd) from about 100 yards, and then I did snap shots from 80 and 50-60 yards on the other two targets.
I was especially happy with the performance of the rifle, each target contained 3 body hits and two head hits, as planned.
I had one "light strike" misfire, which I was warned would happen with the surplus ammo I was using.

I also ran 150 rounds through my G23, which has been neglected lately. Lots of shots from the holster. A lot of multiple target stuff and mag change drills. I ran about 10 mags with empty brass in them, to practice malfunction clearing.
I even ran threw 2 mags at "Long range", which I seldom do. I averaged about 70% body hits at 70 yards.

Any body else do any shooting this weekend?
Well, I came pretty damn close to doing my usual 100 rounds through the 12 gauge, but the politics and rhetoric got the better of me. I used the money towards joining the NRA, GOA, and JPFO, all in one swell foop!

If it wasn't already getting dark, I'd go out right now and use up my last CO2 cartridge in the pellet gun.


I guess I'll just strip and clean the ol' Mossberg, anyway. It doesn't need it, but I do. :)

I shoot almost every day....mostly a .22 rifle but some days other firearms. I go for a daily walk around my farm and shoot jacks and ground squirrels. If they don't show or I forgot and took the dog, I practise marksmanship on as small a target as I can see.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I went out this afternoon and ran about 100 rounds through my P7-M8 at 15 yards. I was shooting at TQ-19 targets and did pretty good. I got to shoot a magazine full of .45's through my buddy's new Sig P245. It is a little compact job. Cool little pistol, but it sure seemed to recoil. I like it though. Could be the ultimate in concealable .45 autos. Then it started to rain...
Saturday I picked up a K-98 Mauser that was made in 1943. The condition was "GOOD" and the price was "GREAT". I only had 20 rds of reloads a friend gave me to try. The rifle shot far left and real high at 100 meters. My buddy put a different front blade on it and with the last 5 rds. it was centered left-right but still high. More work to do when I get more ammo.
Today I took my Rem. 700 VSSF in .308, out to renew our friendship. I didn't want to take the time a go to one of my gun clubs that has a 300 yd. range and went to the closer club with a 100 m. range.
Firing Winchester 168 gr. match ammo put the first 3 into one hole at 100 m., cold barrel and all. Then I did my usual bone headed stuff and threw the other two rounds out of the hole and spread it to .70". I called both shots out and realized it wasn't gonna get better, so I put the primo ammo away and fired about 20 rounds of NATO surplus stuff into .80" groups on steel woodchuck targets and head shots on reduced upper torso targets. The gun will shoot when I do my part.
That's how I spent my weekend.
On saturday I took the AR-15 M4 to the range and put about 120 rounds through it at 100 and 200 yards. Shot fairly well. At 200 yards, the groups opened up to about 7" with the Red-dot sight I was using.

Today I shot almost 200 rounds through my Kimber .45, 80 rounds out the G23, practicing mainly at 7,10, and 15 yards. Practiced quick reloads through the Glock and had to clear more than my fair share of stoppages through the 45.

Also took out the old mini-14 to blow through some old steel surplus rounds. Great plinking gun and for some reason, the pistol-grip equiped Ruger still feels better in my hands than the AR-- I think it has to do with the increased handspace.

Anyway, it felt good to shoot this weekend, tried to clear my head although most of the talk at the range was of the CO murders.
Grabbed my namesake and went off to the local Sportsmens Club to shoot Sporting Clays. Saw and shot with an old friend whom I haven't seen in over a year. Was a beautiful day to walk in the woods. Bright Sunshine not too cool, no wind.

Shot a round of 100 plus a few extras, shot close to my normal score. They had several new automatic traps so the course was interesting. One buddy outshot me using a Ruger 20 gauge I sold to him last year (#@&*!#$).

Afterwoods we had the usual BS session, guess what was the main topic of discussion! A lot of the normally quiet guys are POed at the NRA. Most believe we will loose our guns in our lifetime! One teacher told us how he was sued by the parents of one of his students for trying to get the kid to behave in class!

Thank God for days like this, restores my sanity.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited April 25, 1999).]
Well its just my luck,,,Im the only one with a problem...lol....I picked up my 1991-a1 were I had had the front of the frame checkered..(very good job), and some how the grip safety is not working properly, the fframe appears to possibly have been squeezed at that point so the grip safety wont release once depressed...other than that I just shot a couple of handfuls and reminded my self to check on a different front sight....am considerin the bar dot tritium......any ideas??? how about that hivitz?...fubsy.
All I got to do today is knock down weeds with the field & brush mower. Not nearly as much fun.

Bruce Stanton
Well, I was on vacation this week and went to the range on Thursday instead of my usual Sunday outing. Good thing I did as today has been real busy and I couldn't have gone anyway. It was strange being there on a week day, for a while I was the only customer and there never was more than four other shooters there at on time.
I'm still experimenting with the mini-30. The pistol grip stock didn't work out as I had trouble getting my cheek comfortable on that thin butt stock. So I put the original wood laminate back on and rezeroed. Blew about 100 rounds off hand just for fun.
Moving to the handguns, I ran some .357 loading experiments through the S&W 19 and 586. Nothing special happened, I'll keep trying.
Ran about 100 rounds through my Commander carry gun to get in some practice.
Finished the day with some one handed bullseye type shooting at 25 yards with the Gold Cup. I do love that gun!
All in all, a wonderful day! :)
I never go to the range on weekends anymore. Our wise and illustrious government (Forest Service)closed down the Sabino Canyon range and the range I go to is now taking up the strain. Being retired, I can go any day of the week. :) :) I guess it was last Tuesday when I went Tried some more loads in my .375 wildcat, some new loads for the .338 Mag, and 7x57 single shot. Since then it has been too darn windy to go. Blows the target over. Go out and set them back up, and they blow over before you get back to the bench. :( Oh well, used the time to prepare some brass for reloading, and cast up some bullets for the 30-30. Spent a lot of time reading all these posts. Educational, but depressing at times with all the gun control BS going about. Maybe it won't be windy tomorrow and I can go burn some powder.
Paul B.

I got out for a test session last Thursday, finally got a handle on the .220 Imp., it'll put 5 55gr V-Max into about 0.5" at 100 yds, and at just over 3900 fps according to my chrono. The .222 seems to loke the 40 gr BlitzKings, so that'll bear exploring, and the .221RFB TC carbine still won't go under an inch... dagnabit! Next time out I gotta blow the cobwebs outa my old 1911, I haven't shot it in a couple years now... Trying to get out weekly as soon as turkey (feathered) season's over... :D

Shoot carefully... swifter...

I think this is a good topic. Unfortunitly I haven't been doing any shooting lately due to just having had surgery. However, I plan to correct that in the next few weeks. Further, unfortunitely (or fortunitely depending on how you look at it) most of my shooting is done by myself at my place... so when I shoot a unbelievable group or make an unbelievable shot I have no one to verify. :( BUT HEY... I Know I made it and thats all that counts in my book.

Also Members from another Bulletin Board in a far far away galaxy have a get together called "Gunstock" (ya know... like the music thing in the 60s, but also like a wood thing on a gun... get it?.. get it?). These are held all over the country when at least 3 members can get together. The Big Annual one is hosted by well know scribe and usually has some nationally know industry people attend.

These are way cool... not so much the Range time, which is great don't get me wrong, but more so the socializing the night before and after.

Guess I can include these in this topic also seeing the other BB will be going the way of the White Buffalo in 5 or 6 months.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I took two friends who had never fired a gun shooting. I and a few of my gun owning friends, that is. They were able to fire several rifles shotguns and pistols, in calibres ranging from a .22 to a 12gauge. They had a blast, and learned safety very quickly. Interestingly enough, their favorite to shoot was my Para-ordance P14-.45. We ran though about 100 rds shot shell, about 140 rds, 7.62mm NATO and Russian, maybe 200rds of .22, about 250 rds of 9mm, and 150 rds of .45. All in all, a good starter lesson.

Live Free or Die
It was raining today, but I wanted to try out my new timer (thanks for the square deal, Steve...), so I ran out and put up a couple of silohuettes and got back under the porch with the Scout.

I have been wanting to get some concrete times on my snap shots, so what better excuse to shoot from the porch in the rain....

The porch is about 75 yards from where the targets were, I was using half-size BT-5A Silohuettes. They feauture Anotomic details on the upper half of the torso, the shoulders and the head.

Through 3 strings of 5 shots I averaged 1.45 Seconds from low ready to the shot. I had one miss out of 15 shots, and I called it as a flyer high left... After the first string, I started moving about a little bit while waiting for the random beep. (3-5 second delay)

I shot two strings of 5 shots each from a slung rifle (muzle down). I had my off-hand on the forestock of the rifle and walked about 4-5 steps to one side and turned around while waiting for the beep.

The first string was 16.86 seconds, with the first shot coming at 4.58 seconds.

The second string was 15.67 seconds, with the first shot at 5.11 seconds and one miss.

I was pretty happy with those times, but I honestly have no idea what would be considered "par" in such an excersise. Any tactical carbine instructors out there care to rate that performance??

Excellent thread. This past week was as stressfull a week as I can remember. All the hysteria surrounding the Littleton shooting has been very depressing. Solution? A side-by-side comparison of my G19 and the range's P7M8. Didn't have much time so I only shot one box through each. Results? Let me just say the Glock is going to be for sale soon and I feel better about life in general.
I got an all too rare opportunity to send hot steel downrange this past weekend.

Took my Springfield Armory "Loaded" 1911A1 and a bunch of differing loads (all factory). I'm still reliability testing it.

I was well pleased. In 150 rnds, I had zero malfunctions. In fact I've put 500 rnds through it now with only 2 malfunctions. Those were the cheap range reloads that I suspect weren't sized properly.

Overall I am very happy with this weapon. I may start liking the 1911 again....

Got to put something on the black front sight though, I'm looking at my wife's passion pink nail polish as I type. I'm not so sure, I'll have to give it some more thought.


Check me out at:
Good for you, Dan..

When I got back from VA Sunday, I went out a shot 200 rounds. 100 .45 through my USP and 100 9mm through a Taurus.
I was trying to come to grips with the difference in the manual of arms between the 92 and the USP, because of a conversation I had had in VA with a Police Shief about to switch from the former to the latter.

It was only on the way to the range that I remembered my Taurus had a frame mounted safety, not the slide mounted one. But I shot anyway..... and had fun,. but I kept wishing that I was shooting guns with good trigger pulls.... ;)

I had my timer with me.. Thanks to Steve I will likely never go out the back door without it... I noticed that sloppy DA trigger pulls slow my times donw considerably...

Just got back from shooting with about 200 boy scouts, cub scouts and leaders. The local scout district annually puts on a "Shoot Out" for Boy Scouts and older Cub Scouts. The 11th annual this year. Sponsored by a troop chartered to the local Isaac Walton League club.

The Scouts and leaders get the chance to try out shotgun shooting clays(7 rounds), 25 yard prone fire with a bolt action 22LR rifle (5 practice and 5 for score), 10 yard archery range (5 practice and 5 for score) and a five pace hatchet throw (7 throws). This is a competition with scores calculated for best scout, best patrol, best troop and best adult in each event. There also was a fishing derby with ribbons for largest catch and most caught.

Yours truly did fair with the 22 and archery, adequate with the hatchet and lousy with the shotgun.

The scouts, judging by how long they stand in line for it, enjoy the chance to shoot under supervision in a safe setting. Pre range safety instruction by an NRA certified trainer (one of the scoutmasters). But, this year, with Littleton being so recent, some of the leaders were concerned about parental reaction and community reaction. The attendance did seem to be a little down this year but that could be due to cooler weather and forecasts for rain on both days in the local media all week.

A different kind of range report.

Jim in IN

Glad to hear about the kids getting out there and shooting in an organized event!

Myself, I got out a few times this week. I ran through an El Presidente a few times after being inspired by the thread in the Competition Forum.

I was supposed to go to an IDPA Match this morning, but it turns out my buddy had the schedule wrong and it is next week..... So I just shot the same guns here, at improvised IDPA type courses of fire..
G35, G23, G30, HK USP and Ruger Revolver....

Ran through about 350 rounds total....
