Range Report.....Win. 59


New member
Today was the first time I've had, to put my new Winchester 59 through it's paces. To say I was pleased with the results would be a gross understatement.
I ran 50 rounds through it on singles and some doubles, and was able to powder 44 out of 50. That, for me, is a monumental accomplishment.
The gun mounts beautifully, and puts me on the sight line every time. I can't believe how fast I can get this beauty on target. At about 6 pounds, It's a joy to handle. Because of it's lightness, I was concerned about not being able to follow through on the bird, but it was not a problem.
I used the 26 inch barrel with the modified choke tube and Win. AA 7 1/2's. I didn't have time to try my other 59 with the full choke 28 incher.
The only problem I can report with the gun is the failure of the bolt to lock open after the last shot, on 3 or 4 occasions. I'm hoping that a good cleaning and oiling of the action will take care of that.
The recoil was not uncomfortable even with the plastic butt plate, although after 50 rounds I do feel a little tightness in the shoulder. A vest with pad should remedy that.
All in all, a good day at the range with a shotgun that should prove it's worth in the field.
Glad it's working out for you, OJ. Have you patterned it yet?

You may want to have your smith take it apart, clean/lube the innards, and check it out.
I haven't had a chance to pattern it as of yet. Hope to this weekend. As for the gunsmith, that's next on the agenda!