Range Report...whatever # we're up to now...


New member
I shot my first handgun today, the first shooting I've done in quite awhile. I was on my way to the grocery store, and I must have gotten lost, or something, because I somehow found myself at the indoor pistol range. So, as long I was there anyway, I went in to check out their prices, and spontaneously rented a Glock 17.

I shot 100 rounds of 115 grain reloads through it, from 7 to 20 yards, in five shot groups. Well, patterns really. I was all over the place, but at least I managed to hit the paper every time. Almost. ;)

Being used to the trigger on my Mossberg, I thought something was wrong on the first shot. Nothing happened. But eventually I honed my "trigger squish" and went to town. Most shots were low, and I think I may have something of a flinch. Just call me Mel.

It was great fun, despite my suckiness. Next week I think I'll try out the Para Ordnance .45, okay HS?

Actually, it was my second pistol shooting experience. A couple of years ago I shot a Davis .380: Four shots, two malfunctions. I don't like to think about it as my first pistol shoot, though.

And no, I didn't make it to the grocery store. Macaroni and cheese for me tonight. Well worth it. :D


Hooray for you!! Welcome to the pistol-shootin' clan!

If you can get a friend who will go to the range with you, he can watch you carefully while you shoot. He might be able to spot something you don't even know you're doing. My friend "Ranger" told me one time that I'd probably shoot better if I kept at least ONE eye open when I "yank" the trigger! ;) (Such friends!!!)

There's a bunch of other things a friend can help with to make your practice more fun (and more effective). Your groups will tighten up as you practice - so have fun with it!

Glad to hear you got hijacked by a good shooting experience. Hope you have the same "problem" again and again! :D
Dennis - "I'd probably shoot better if I kept at least ONE eye open when I "yank" the trigger!"

By God, it works! I just improved my 10 yd groups by over 18 inches! Thanks! And I thought it was the gun all along.
Well, I'll second your advice, Ewok. But $23/half hour is kind of pricey for dry fire practice, don't ya think? ;)

I was wearing cut-offs and sneakers, and no socks. One of the hot casings landed in my shoe. Ow. But thanks to TFL, I remembered to keep the "on deck" ammo tucked in the box after that. I didn't want primers to start lauching themselves into the ceiling!

Boing, shootin' handguns is a lot harder than rifles aint it !....chuckle. :D
A 64th of an inch deviation on firing = a foot & a half on impact @ 25 yards...lol
Yep, give the Para a burl....
At least when the cases land in yer shoe, they nice & big & easily picked/kicked out!
Remember, "Front sight-sqeeeeezzzze....."
And the 1911 trigger is a tad more sensitive than the Glocks - Can we all say "UNEXPECTED Double Tap" as a group when he gets into the 1911 groove thang?
$23 bucks/30 mins ! :(
Gads, I though the general U.S going rate at Indoor facilities was $10-$15/HOUR !!!!
Hmmmm.... Full Membership must be around $3000/year ? ;)
Please report back (glowing report mind you) on your next foray with a gun(1911) that's barrel is shorter than yer arm.

"The Gun from Down Under !"
HS: I get tighter groups with my shotgun at 20 yds. :)

The $23/half hour is the time, one handgun, and 50 rounds. I'd have to rent a gun just to dry fire! Their regular rate, if you have your own gun and ammo, is only $5/half hour. I stayed about 45 minutes, but the guy didn't charge me extra.

And apparently they have Full Auto rental. I'd better get some overtime this week! :D

So, anybody else do anything gunnish this weekend?

Are you any where near nashville?, if so I can help you shoot some different pistol's and ill reload for em so it wont cost a bundle......we can do everything from 38sspl, 357, 9mm, 40s/w, 357sig, 400corbon, 45acp, 10mm, 44spl/44mag and last but not least 45colt....if your close let me know and we can arrange a time....these are smith/weson revolvers j,k,l,n models and 1911's or hi-powers models....let me know..fubsy.
boing - Until you get your first handgun, you might consider going to your local Wal-Mart and purchasing an airgun. I have a Crosman Mark II pistol and use it at home to practice trigger pull and to train the old muscles to stay steady. It is, of course, quite different from the real thing, but it is good practice. It's also safe if you set up your "range" carefully. You and everyone around should always wear eye protection.

I've got to agree with HS, the $23/30 min. rate is in the realm of price gouging. Is that the only game in town?

Did you go to Shooter's Express just east of Gastonia? Use to go there all the time. Yeah, they have an MP-5 for rental and an Uzi that I'm told is usually being cleaned or worked on. PLUS, you can shoot centerfire rifle in another section of the range (up to .375 H&H, I think). Last time I was there befor I moved from NC, they had an OK price for a CZ-75B in the store section).

- Ron V.

fubsy- Well, I'm in Asheville, NC. That sounds close. ;) Thanks for the offer, but I need someone who has a greater variety of calibers to choose from! ;) Sheeesh...

Mal- I've got an air pistol that I shoot occasionally, but it takes those silly .20 caliber pellets. I've only found one place in my area that sells them, and they don't stock them very often. I might buy one in .177 (after the Alpha dog has her operation, that is. $$$!)

Good advice on the eye protection. I shot billions of BBs as a kid, and never wore safety glasses except when my friend and I shot at each other. :) Now, as something of an adult, it's just second nature to wear them when ever I'm shooting anything. And a good thing, too. My first time out with the pellet gun since my youth, I caught a richochet in the forehead.

It's not $23 for every half hour with the rental gun. The $23 buys the rental gun, 50 rounds, and the first half hour. Each half hour after that is only $5. :)

hksigwalther- The range is a place in Asheville called 'On Target'. Pistol calibers only, 25 yard range, eight or ten lanes. It's a little place, run by a guy who used to work in the plant where I just got hired. We had lots to small-talk about. Did someone say "shmooze"? :)

They have an MP5 to rent, which I'm sure I'll do, if I can afford the ammo! Pistol prices seem pretty high in this area, but this range seems to be at the low end of the scale. And they give the 8 hour CCW course for $65, which is the lowest of the few prices I've heard in NC.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited August 03, 1999).]
"It helps if you keep one eye open..." Is that a part of the Weaver-wobbler stance I've heard so much about?
I have also discovered that the bullets DON'T go faster if you flip the barrel down range when you yank the trigger, and that turning your face away and squinching it all up as you fire often leads to fliers, although it DOES prevent hot brass from goin' down yer shirt front. slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Ive an old friend still live's in ashville and an old girlfriend that live's in boone--I think she's married now, I just couldnt talk her out of that mountain...lol.....well if your ever in the area give me a heads up and will try and arrange something....fubsy.
What's the deal about $23/hr? I know people who run bartabs at more than $23/hr. At least with this hobby, the more you practice the steadier you get...
It was $23 per 1/2 hour. But now that boing has 'splained it, it looks like a good deal. I had thought the range was trying to pay for the guns in about 20 hours of rental.
Amen Ewok,

Get yourself a handgun and do some dryfire practice. It did wonders for me when I was starting out.

Also, load single rounds and concentrate on each and every shot.

- Anthony