Range Report V

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, time to find out who's been shooting....

I competed in my first IDPA match last weekend, I did much better than I did under the limited vicker scoring of the qualifier.

This afternoon I took my three year old shooting with a SA .22. She shot some short and some long rifle. After shooting a big piece of cardboard a few times, I put some masking tape (about 5x5") on the board to give her a target, she did pretty good, at about 2 yards, she hit the tape 4 of 5 times. Her biggest problem was the strength it took her to holdup the gun. I may let her shoot the Semi auto next time, as it is lighter, and the wieght is more over her hands, instead of out in front. The weight problem caused her to have to arch her back and wiggle the gun around a bit when she was trying to aim and squeezing the trigger.

She then, with my help, hit 2 shaken up carbonated beverage cans at about 3 yards, she really enjoyed that.. and it gave me a chance to show her how "powerful" guns are and how they can put "big holes" in things. She was very aware of saftey issues. I exagerrated everything of course. After we emptied the gun the first time, she insisted that we look behind the target area before we started shooting again once we reloaded. We had to walk all around the backstop again and make sure no one and no animals were back there.

This was her first time shooting a handgun, so we took a few pictures... it was quite fun....

Well done, a good lesson well learned.***Mine were 2 and 4 and can realise the TV wasn`t true over all their gun misuse and screen violence.


XXX the Bunny.
I went to the range last weekend with my 13-year-old daughter, Jessie.

Had some handloads for the Hornet and managed 8 shots at 100 yards (off the bench) into one ragged hole. The other two I called as fliers.

Gave Jess five rounds and she managed approx. a 3-inch group at six o'clock just beneath the 8 ring. Pretty good, seeing she has to kneel at the bench 'cause the chairs are too low. Needs some work on her trigger release :)

We had a "guest" there at the range. He shoots military rifle -- specifically SMLE .303 Mk III or IV. Seems we can't get decent .303 ammo anymore, so he is reloading for his club, using 174gr FMJ. Accuracy (open sights, remember) was about 2" at 100 yards, and he was well pleased with his efforts. They've been told, however, if they want to keep shooting, they will have to butcher their rifles, because the Federal Govt is going to bring in a 4-round magazine limit!!!! (And these guys shoot strictly stock military rifles.) He showed me his latest .303 -- from the Irish police force, of all places. It had never been fired when he bought it -- still in original wrappings and grease ("cosmoline"???). Manufactured in 1944, it's a "beautiful" thing -- and he doesn't want to mangle it.

The Feds have also decided to sell the only metropolitan area miltary rifle range at Swanbourne. Their reasons? It encourages shooting (?) and apart from which, real estate developers have offered them $80 000 000 for it.

Must be the same "reasoning" that made them charge the RAAF rent for the Pearce Airforce Base!!!!!! True! They pay on the number of people and buildings on site -- so the RAAF is bulldozing perfectly serviceable buildings to make their "rent" lower!!! And their planes (P9C) are contracted out to a local motor car retailer for maintenance!!!!

Crazy times indeed.

Good week.... :) The Dillon 550B came in.
Cheeper shooting is on the way!!!

Basic drills with the Kimber on Friday. But that Bushmaster Shorty had been calling my name waaay toooo long. It came home with me. grin. Got to run about 60 rounds through it to get the feel. I LIKE IT!

Tuesday night's Bowling Pin match was one of my better ones in a long, long time. Didn't start out that way. Had a failure to feed on shot 3 and lost my first match. Not a happy camper. But I think it upset me enough that I really pulled my concentration together. I shot very clean after that.

Took first in Trophy class... and then wound up taking third in the Expert Limited. WOW! I never shoot that good against those guys.

I have to leave on a trip tomorrow. Will be 9 or 10 days before I get back to the range. :( Talk about withdrawls....

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Forgive me ... a little shameless brag.

At the range yesterday (Sunday), I won my grade (B Grade) in the Field Rifle Rimfire match.

At 50 yards, Standing Post, I shot a 49.4 out of 50. If I just hadn't pulled that last one .....

For those who care, rifle is an Anschutz AST Achiever; ammo Winchester Winner; scope and "el cheapo" Tasco 6-24 power set at 14-power.

I didn't so much drive home as float home a foot above the ground.

Congratulations! It's been a long time since I had that kind of good feeling! I am envious!
Yesterday I worked at the range all day and didn't get to fire a single round! (pout, pout)
I'm envious of all you that could get to the range this week. I have finals, its sucks. but I'll have lots of targets this weekend when I methodically blow away all my blue books.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
My backyard 12 gauge drills just get more and more pathetic. On Sunday I vaporized six packs of Ramen noodles, uncooked. I have sunk to a new low.

I tried to get my wife out to shoot a box, but she was quite indisposed after the previous night's revelry.

The only thing I accomplished was decicing once and for all that I like recoil!
I shot 50 rounds of Winchester 2 3/4 dram target shot. I barely even got a bruise. Why, that's no fun at all!

Next time I'm going to do some serious, methodical patterning: All three chokes, a range of distances, and a variety of ammo from different manufacturers, for comparison.
Better include some 3" magnums. That'll do the trick!

congrats Bruce !!

I took my 13 yr old step son for his first "combat handgun" session this afternoon. He has a pretty good familiarity with gun safety and target skills, but this was the first time I ever had him wear a holster or practice presentation. WE did this dry ad naseum, then I let him shoot a few rounds (one at a time.. no mag in the gun) live. He did pretty good.

At first he thought I was really giving him a hard time about "where" he was aiming. Once he realized that I had him aiming for a specific infinitismally small spot for a reason, he loosened up. After his first five shots he had missed his target by at least an inch, at most three inches. He was dismayed, until Ipointed out that his "target" was merely a 2 millimeter long piece of a letter printed on a target. He had put all five rounds within 4 inches of a center heart shot. Not too shabby when it was presented in that way...

I had to stress proper manual of arms, since in the passed he has almost always been handed a chambered gun, this time he had to load the mags, and chamber the rounds himself.. Properly and safely.

He had to keep both eyes open, and I spent a great deal of time showing him why, with different drills to point out why he might want peripheral vision, or why he needs to be able to see around his own hands, in case a BG is drawing a gun from his pocket.

It was a good time, and took less than 2 hours.
That is great,,,,I was shooting this weekend and there was a guy there teaching his son how to shoot, it was great to see that happening, to bad there is not more of it...fubsy.

This may be slightly off-topic, but please forgive me ... I was picturing it in my mind as I read your posting, and it suddenly struck me (as I'm sure it must have many others) .......

..... some of the warmest and most precious memories I have of my dad when I was a kid are of the times when he took me with him down to the bush behind Uncle Harry's dairy farm, with the old Lithgow single shot .22, looking for a couple of rabbits for the table.

He taught me to shoot, and the rules of safety, in that little patch of scrub. It's nearly 40 years ago, but I remember it so clearly ... I can feel the heat and even smell the hot bushland. I felt so responsible and just plain grown up.

My dad's in his 70s now, and a little frail and unsteady -- but in my mind he'll always be like he was on those shooting days -- young, strong and ten feet tall!!!

Maybe that's partly the reason I like taking Jessica out to the range with me.

Damn ... ain't the mind a funny thing.
