Range Report - Observations and a Dumb Question


Back from this morning's range session.


1. Potatoes shot with a .270 (130 gr) explode in such a way that there is nothing left anywhere nearby. When I shot one at 15 yards, I had a couple of TINY fragments of potato land on me from above. I was laughing my fool head off at the .270 potatoes. Oh yeah, same result with .25-06. Next time I'm going to spray paint the little buggers white. They were hard to spot if they rolled down off the berm into the grass. Plan on trying watermelons later this summer too.

2. Not only should one take extra staples with them in the range bag, one should also take extra staples DOWNRANGE each time, with the staple gun. :(

3. Millett "angle-loc" rings (for weaver-style bases) suck sweaty gonads, IMO, because every time you tighten one side or another on either ring, it dramatically changes the point of impact. Going to lose these quickly.

4. Supposed 1/4 minute clicks on my new Leupold VX-2 6-18x40mm equal about 1/4 minute; whereas supposed 1/4 minute clicks on my Bushnell Scopechief 6-20x40mm are maybe 1/8 to 1/6 of a minute, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on where you are on the range of the adjustment. Really disappointing too, since every other feature of the Bushnell is oustanding, like the clarity/light transmission (better than the Leupold), and the easy-turning eyepiece, and the AO that goes all the way down to 20 yards (Leupold minimum is 50 yards), etc.

5. My new Mitchell Arms .22 WMR turnbolt shot pleasantly surprisingly accurate with the stock irons. Need to get it scoped and test it more. This gun was bought new yesterday for 40% off. It was normally $186, but for some reason, they were trying to get rid of them, so I got out the door with the Mitchell .22mag, 4 little bricks of .22mag ammo, 2 cleaning brushes, and a new Columbia River pocket knife, all for $171 something (which included tax). All in all, a good weekend! :)

Dumb question: What's your best-ever brass "find" while scrounging at the range? Today I found some nice .45acp laying around - made me wonder whether peeps ever find once-fired Federal 30-06 or similar good finds.
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you need to come to the range with me.
i don't reload and never take my brass:

once fired 45acp, 30.06, 308, 223, 9mm

stop droooling... :cool:
It is fun to watch something go "splat" when it gets shot. try gallon milk jugs filled with water, if you can hit one of those at 200m with open sight rifle you arent doing bad. for a handgun id say about 30 feet, another plus they are cheap since they are trash anyways.
Dumb question: What's your best-ever brass "find" while scrounging at the range?
Huh!!??!! That's not a dumb question at all.
My "best" was a couple hundred empty S&B .45acp cases on a Sunday morning. From what I could tell, there was a gun show Sat/Sun and someone bought up some S&B ammo, went to the range and cooked off a couple hundred rounds, then left right before I got there or late the previous day.
When I got there, I was like a kid at an Easter egg hunt picking up all that nice shiney newly fired brass.
Couldn't begin to tell you how I shot that day,,,,but I felt like a million bucks all week long. :D

Not only should one take extra staples with them in the range bag, one should also take extra staples DOWNRANGE each time, with the staple gun
ok, I 'fess up. been there/done that......forgot the whole shebang of staples AND staple gun (left it on the kitchen table) too. Ended up shooting OP-LOT's all morning.

(OP-LOT's = Other Peoples Left Over Target's) :rolleyes:
heh heh heh..... :D

In El Paso, at the Ft. Bliss Rod and gun Club, I was out one day to plink away with my .44. From the next range, I hear someone trying to start up a lawnmower.

Then, it hit me...

Who's trying to mow sand?

I walk over, and here are these two guys working a MAC machine pistol, fully suppressed.

I complimented them, and we talked guns for a bit.

I then asked, "Hey--which one of you is the Class III dealer?"

Uneasy looks.

Continuing on, I said, "Ah. Law enforcement sample, eh?"

One guy said, "Ah, well....." I guess it was fortunate that I had my loaded .44 holstered and visible on my hip, though I didn't think about it until later... :eek:

I said, "Oh well. Y'all have fun." and walked off the range. A few seconds later, I saw them dive into their car, and fly off the range.

Which left just me--and right around 1,500 once-fired Federal .45 cases.

More recently, at our gun club, ATF comes out for qualifications every now and then. They have all the goodies--and they leave all the brass!!!

After the fourth LARGE tupperware tub full of once fired Federal .223, and the rather large box of .40 brass, the wife said, "Enough!!!"
Speaking of splattering food with guns, here is what I used to do with a .17 Remington I had-
Directly in front of a fence post, I would put an apple up on something, so it was held up off the ground. Then I'd back up and shoot it.
Of course, the apple would disappear.
The neat thing was when you looked the fence post over, there would be no damage. No fragments. Nothing but applesauce. Which seemed to indicate that the bullet never fully penetrated and dumped all the energy in the apple. Kinda neat.
I had trouble finding much more use for that rifle, though.