Range Report: Enfield Savage Nr4 MkI* at 200 yards


New member
I'll be shooting in a Vintage Rifle match this Sunday, all at 200 yards, so wanted to see which of my Nr4s would be best. Here's the winner. The coin is a quarter. Shooting from bench with forestock on sandbag. Unfortunately, I don't have enough of this Wolf to shoot, so I'll have to reload equivalent and just start with this rear sight setting (one click above the 200 index line), and go from there. Guess I'll have to hold to the left, too. :rolleyes:

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Adjust Front Post?

I will try that, too.
...And move it to the right to adjust POI to the left, correct?
Wish I had a post pusher. Does anyone has them available?
Try Numrich (egunparts?) and Springfield Sporters for tools for Enfield foresight adjustment. If you plan to DIY be very careful and just gently tap the front sight post with a flat drift ... this will work too but better to use the correct tool to avoid damage.

Cheers, Tiki.
LT-2 Sight Pusher

Thanks, everybody! I will order one today.
What is the 100-yard POI/MOA change when turning the adjusting screw one revolution, for example?
beeker77, there is a formula but I don't know it. Search is your friend!

It is a real small amount though, not even close to a full screw turn, like tenths of an inch or hundreths.

Make a small witness mark, a tiny scratch, of your starting point on the sight base and the sight. Less is more.:D Shoot a group then adjust(?) and repeat as necessary, until you're hitting where you want.

Before you start check the front of your sight base for a hole with screw in it that locks the sight. It is called a "Grub Screw" and takes a slotted tool that may or may not be found on the firing pin removal tool handle. They can be made by cutting a notch in a 6mm socket, I think. Check out Surplus Rifles.com or ask Tikirocker how to make the tool.

Good Shooting
Match Results: Good News!

(Thanks Moose Fat, I will try something along those lines... No pun intended.)

This Enfield (me shooting it without any front sight adjustments), using Kentucky windage, took 2nd place in the Vintage Rifle match yesterday. 1st place went to a beautiful, mint condition M1903A3 Smith-Corona.

An Arisaka with an 'illegal' scope installed actually matched the 03's score, but the Arisaka did not meet the published conditions of the match (proper period rifle scope allowed only if original spec for the gun; PLUS the shooter wore a Creedmoor shooting jacket - also barred :rolleyes: ). Other competitors, all non-scoped, included Enfields, M1 Garands, and K98ks.