Range report BHP


New member
I got some range time in this morning with my High Power that Wickman worked on. Due to the poor weather in Western New York I used the indoor range which is 50 feet instead of the outdoor which is 25 and 50 yards. The first test was to see if the accuracy had improved now that the barrel is recrowned. Using 125 gr. lead round nose reloads I shot 10 rounds from a rest and placed 5 in the 10 ring 2 8's and 3 9's on a 50 foot slow fire target. Thats a first! Since the 8 ring is 2.25 inches I'm real pleased. Next I fired 10 more with a 2 hand hold and dropped 2 in the 9 and 1 in the 8 ring and 3 in the 7 ring. OK for me! Then I finished up with 30 slow fire in typical bullseye 1 hand load. I dropped a half dozen in the 7 ring a few in the 8 and 9 rings and a couple in the 6 ring and 1 in the 5 ring. So that means I was able to keep all my shots under 5 inches. The one bad thing about shooting bullseye is one day you can do nothing wrong and the next day you can do nothing right. Today was an OK day for me and my High Power shoots better than I do so I guess that makes it a really good day. Thom
Hello. Isn't it nice to own a truly reliable gun that has "lethal grace in artistic lines?" It's especially nice when they possess more accuracy than we can squeeze out. Best and thanks for the report.
Thanks for sharing the results with us. You must be pleased with the work. Always nice to see a good BHP at work!
I love my browning Hi-power. About two weeks ago I used it in the American Criminal Justice Association competition. With my Hi-power I carried my team to second place. Would have gotten first but my team was not used to shooting indoors against a black target with black background. I have about a 2.5 pound trigger pull on it with a nice grip.