Range report 6/27

walkin' man

New member
Six of us went to the range today. Four experienced shooters and two newbies. One of the newbies, a school teacher, went from "guns=bad" to "I wonder what kind I should buy" in less than a week. :) Between the six of us we had: HK USP 45, SW mdl 60 357, Colt 357, Springfield 1911 45, Pocketlite 380, Colt .25, and a 10/22. Much fun was had by everyone. Although Miss .357 did get "shot" in the leg. A ricochet or something hit her in the calf hard enough to draw blood. I'll run the metal detector over her leg later.
I did get to try .45 super thru the USP...
WOW!!! way cool. Huge fireball, great recoil, and it sounded as loud as a 44 mag, only sharper. The people in the lanes closest to us stopped shooting to come investigate the explosion :) I have a new favorite round. My friend also shot a full box thru his 1911 with no problems (he did put a 24# spring in it though. This .45 super (Triton Hi-Vel) is also the most accurate stuff I've ever shot. One big hole at 7 yds. Both of us could only find half of the super brass, it seems to launch into orbit and disappear.
The newbies first question after shooting was "when can we go again?". ;) hooked

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Good for you, walkin' man! I wish I knew a newbie anti or two so I could take a stab at converting them. That's where the real grassroots action is: one mind at a time. Keep it up!


PS- What's your relationship to Miss .357? Not to get personal or anything, I just missed it.
is putting a heavysping in the only thing your friend had done to his 1911? i was just wondering how well it seemed to hold up w/ the super..

what me worry?
Good weekend for shooting....

Started Friday when I took a pair of 7 year old twin boys to the range for thier first taste of "real bullets". They had been doing pretty well with the pellet gun in the garage, so I thougt we might be able to move up. They had a blast. Just used an old Remington TargetMaster .22 single shot. But it was just perfect for starting them. Begging me to go back this week. :) Gotta love it.

Saturday was final practice round. Put 200 rnds through the Kimber getting ready for Sunday.

Sunday was CenTex IDPA. Hotter than hades out there on the line. But Texas in the summer is like that. ;) Good match. We had something like 18 new IDPA shooters this month. All of them had a ball. Experienced shooters tend to take the newbies under a wing at CENTEX. We want everyone to have a good time.

Blatent Advertisement... Republic of Texas IDPA Championship, October 30, 1999 Dripping Springs Texas.

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper