range in Tennessee....attn: Steve


New member
Several months ago I posted about a range that I had used a couple of times in Tenn., A query was made to me regarding the location and since the place wasnt a regular hangout for me, I couldnt recall the information to tell the individual how to get there.........Im not sure if the email I used to send this information to Steve was the correct one, so Im posting the email here for anyone who would like the directions.........fubsy....


Please except my aplogies for the delay in sending you this information. I finally located another old friend with a copy of the flyer and below is the information listed.

Its in Centerville(?).........

Precision Marksmenship Range.....(931) 670-5119

You take either hwy 100 or I40 west out of Nashville.

1. I-40 towards memphis, go 32 miles.

2. Get off on exit 172 and turn left on to hwy 46, proceed 6 miles to hwy 100

3. Turn right at hwy 100, proceed 7 miles to hwy 230.

4. Take a left at the corner market and continue for 1/2 of a mile to Sanders road.

5. Turn left at Sanders road and proceed a1/4 of a mile to Valley Dr

6. The range is 1/4 of a mile down Valley Dr.

It is a range ran by a leo who's property overlooks a hill with a power line cut through it. The range is homemade, the trail going up that hill has bowling pins spaced out upwards of 300yds.....at the bottom of the hill there are places for other targets.....and in the area of the firing points (for lack of a better term),is a structure with defensive handgunning type of targets as well as a clubhouse(for lack of a better term) were the owner has been kind enuf to leave a couple of spotting scopes and tables and sodas........the area you will be shooting from has been built up by dumping fill and mulch so if your brass goes out pass the firm area and is on the slope ----it aint worth trying to get. This range is strictly on the honor system, and he does check in from time to time, you use to put 5 dollars in the mail box and proceed to the range and set up and shoot, and if you wanted a soda it to was on the honor system.......he also has left an odd assortment of cleaning rods and odds and ends you might need....good shooting..