Range Day With Family


New member
x-posted because maybe good lessons and good times should be shared ...

My 11 year old grandson has been asking to go shooting with me, for over a year. Always asking how old he has to be to go. My reply has always been "It's not how old, it's how *mature*. You can go when you know the 4 rules of firearms safety." Well he's on and off tried, gets a couple right, misses a couple. Mainly focused on video games.

Last week he surprised me and said "I've got them." He not only recited the 4, but explained what each meant. Deal is a deal. This past weekend we went. Curiously, my wife, not anti-gun just not a gun person decided she wanted to wipe the cob webs off her hardly shot Charter Arms .38. A family affair.

Long story short, grandson cut his teeth on a Ruger 10/22, single shot loaded. Eye and hearing protection for all. NO safety violations, and after taking instruction on safety location, clearing the rifle, sight picture and trigger control, had rounds in the center at 10 yards and graduated to 5 rounds at a time. Later the wife fired her revolver for familiarity and grand son got to experience one round of softball centerfire. At least he learned gunshots do not sound like the "pop" in the movies. Small steps.

So. One slowly experiencing young shooter, one reacquainted shooter, and the grandson is now my new range partner. All in all, my definition of a good range day.

-jb, one new shooter at a time
Congrats :) When my son is old enough I plan on enrolling him in a DNR hunter safety course so that he learns the 4 rules of firearm safety. I've been teaching him at home but he doesn't ask about hunting often. His grandpa hunts frequently so I think it'll be a good experience for him to tag along and watch.