Range brass


I'm new to the reloading and while I was at the range I found 50 plus Tulla base cases they are a dark color.
Are they a brass case ? And I hear a lot of negative talk about brand. Is it the lead and powder that people don't like them or is it the case?
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Find a magnet. If it sticks they are steel, and toss them. Actually, I already know you have steel, lacquered, to prevent rust. They are NOT reloadable, but do convert themselves to iron oxide in time. :eek:
Tula is the Russian equivalent of Winchester. They make ammo and components. The Evil Empire lacks copper and chrome, along with some other things. Brass is an alloy made with a lot of copper. Tula is a quality operation, and I bought 5 or 10 K of their 556 primers, when they were available, dirt cheap. I love them.
But, they sell mostly cheap bulk ammo in the US: Tula, Wolf, Bear, etc., steel casings, and usually steel jacketed, too. Same reason. My range, on National forest land, bans them, and the range master always has a magnet. You get your range fee back on your way out.
Put a magnet to the brass, if it sticks to the brass
it is NOT brass it is steel (not worth the case prep. time to load )

Tulla is inexpensive ammo so you will see a lot of it
I will not use it in an AR, it burns dirty, fowling the gas
system of the AR and its not very accurate and if I
remember correctly it has a steel case that is laquor
or shellac coated and when fired some of that coating
will stay in your chamber causing problems latter

You get what you pay for !!!
"The Evil Empire lacks copper and chrome..." A quick Google Search will show that Russia has both Copper and Chrome mines.
I like Tula and wolf reload components. It's just these that you have are not reloadable

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