Range bags


New member
What range bags you recommend and how many and what size pistols they can carry besides rest of stuff one carries to range? Thanks so much
I bought an ishot bag. It is great, but kind of pricey. Not sure what they make anymore.

Tool bags with rigid sides, dividers, some plastic cases make GREAT range bags. Check out the selection at Home Depot. You will not be disappointed! Do a google image search for ideas.
Kind of depends on what you're doing.

When I got out to shoot on BLM land, I have a huge range back that could cover a weekend getaway. That's because I carry everything I ever found myself wanting on previous visits. ("Self healing" targets, stapler, spare staplers, multiple bore snakes, cleaning rod to clear stuck cartridge casings, etc. etc. etc.).

When I go to the indoor range, I use a small bag big enough for 1 - 2 guns, couple of boxes of ammo, ears & eyes, and magazines.
When I go to the indoor range, I use a small bag big enough for 1 - 2 guns, couple of boxes of ammo, ears & eyes, and magazines.
That is a fair description of my "range bag". But it also serves as the standard bag for outdoor ranges and desert/mountain trips.
It is a Cabela's bag. -Well, one of many that I own. (Luckily, all were given to me as gifts.)

I can fit 2-3 handguns, a few magazines, 2 sets of electronic muffs, 2-6 boxes of ammo (depending upon cartridge and what else is in the bag), and a few small tools. I ALWAYS leave at least one box of .22 LR in the bag - just in case...
In the outside/top pockets, you'll find a lens cleaner, staple gun, staples, tape, a Swiss Army Knife, a .35 caliber bore snake, an oiled rag, ear plugs, pens, markers, a mechanical pencil, an audio cable (for listen to music in the electronic muffs), a spare battery for red dot sights, spare batteries for the muffs, a pair of insulated leather gloves, and bags for picking up range brass. (And probably a couple other small items that I'm forgetting.)

...But I usually haul all of my ammo around in an ammo can, which keeps the bag from being packed to the gills.

I have a separate, much larger "target" bag that has another bag inside it full of targets. In addition, it holds bags, rests, bipods, more tools, more rags, a towel or two, various bags, Sudafed, Tylenol, Benadryl, Rem-Oil and Slip-2000 wipes, string, twine, 550 cord, instruction cards for some of the weirder scope reticles that I use, more ear plugs, a spare AR magazine, a spare Browning Buckmark magazine, a few bandaids, and some duct tape (I hate duct tape, it really shouldn't even be there). Some items are removed and left at home, if they won't be used (such as some bag rests, or the bipods).
The big bag can be packed with another 4-8 handguns; or 10-20 boxes of ammo; or the chronograph's tripod and 3-5 boxes of ammo and one or two handguns. ...And turned into a 70-pound boat anchor.

The chronograph has its own bag - identical to the 'standard' range bag.

My black powder rifles have their own range bags. (One is .50 cal, the other is .54 cal. It really helps to keep things separate. But it's also nice to not be hauling all of the extra crap around when only shooting one rifle.)

My black powder pistol has its own range bag.

I have a range bag dedicated to magazines. It serves as the overflow bag, with the applicable magazines for the trip, when I can't fit all of the handguns in the other bags.

And, more...

Basic concept:
I have ONE "go-to" range bag that ALWAYS goes.
Everything after that is contingent upon what's going on the trip, and what's happening when I get there.
I nearly always pack the day's/trip's ammo in an ammo can (or three), rather than the range bag(s).
Even the big "target" bag doesn't have to go if it's just a quick trip with 2-3 handguns. I pull out the target bag inside the big target bag, and head on out...

Oh! A note: When I'm talking about how many handguns I can fit in the bags, that's in reference to them being in "sock" type handgun storage cases, such as those offered by Tourbon. In proper pistol cases, the number is easily cut in half. With no cases (the humanity!), the number could be increased by 50% or more.
I purchased this extra large heavy duty CLC tool bag about 10 years ago because I needed something to carry 6 or 7 full size handguns in padded zipper cases, ammo, hearing protection muffs, and all the necessary accessories for two people. Designed to hold 85 lbs of tools with heavy duty handles and padded shoulder strap. All kinds of compartments on the inside, and zippered pockets on the outside. Its been the best and most durable range bag that I've ever had, I'm still using it as my primary range bag today.
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I really like Midways bags, big range bag was $40. 2 years in its still in great shape, lots of pockets to organize well.
I use a Fieldline Range Bag which I got at Wally's World.

One Review:


Second Review:


Inside in the main storage area I keep the mesh bottom Ammo pouch with a Maglula UpLULA Mag loader clipped on it and my Range Ears.
I have my Sig P320 Compact RX in one pouch and my Shield 9mm in the other pouch and I slip a pouch on each side of my Ears and Ammo.
I do not put my gun pouches inside the inner flaps as shown in the video but just place them loosely and comfortable on each side of my Ears and Ammo Pouch.

In the large pouch on the underside of the main zippered top flap I keep my Venom Bore Snake.
I can also usually roll up some paper targets inside and pull the zippers close.

If I had my way it would have magazine storage on each side because my Shield mags use up the one sides 6 magazine pouches.
Then I place two 21 round Sig mags loose at each end of the sheathed Shield Mags.
That leaves me one of the "End" pouches for my Eyes inside the provided sleeve and a 15 round Sig Mag loosely on each side of my eyes.

The other large side zippered area I put handi-Wipe packages in the clear zippered area and various tools in the elastic slips.
Lastly the other "End" zippered pouch I put some Hopps cleaner and Lube. Various cleaning pads / Misc things.

On the whole for a $30.00 Range Bag it works well and is not too big.
When I get to the range I can put it on the table and still have room for my Guns and Mags.

I'm always on the lookout for a more perfect Range Bag without breaking the bank but have yet to find it.
Maybe I'll see something in this thread!

Stay Safe and Happy Shooting!

Mackie244 / Bud
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Most trips to the range, this is the bag I am using:

It has lasted a couple years, no issues with wear and tear. It is hard to say how many guns I could fit in it, because as with most bags it is a matter of deciding how much junk to lug with you, I could sneak more in there if I wanted to.

Usual range bag load out in the Osage River bag linked above:
- 4 handguns
- 12 magazines
- Trauma IFAK
- 2 sets of ear pro
- 2 sets of eye pro
- A couple cleaning rags and a bottle of CLP
- Screw together brass rod
- Targets and a staple gun
- Gloves
- Speedloader
- A couple holsters
- Batteries
- AMMO!! There are three compartments inside, I usually load the middle with ammo for balancing's sake.

The only time I run out of room is if I am bringing newbies with and they want to shoot lots of calibers, including shotgun. Shotgun ammo takes up lots of room. But then I usually just throw the shotgun ammo is a tactical plastic bag (har har) and then throw it in a dump pouch when I get to the range for skeet night.

I usually carry handguns inside the case that originally came with the gun. So i just throw the case into the backpack along with ammo, eye and ear protection, and whatever else i need to take with me that day. I don't bother with bags designed to securely hold multiple handguns and magazines and all that.

Just a plain old backpack.
I've used Midways bags and like them. Also have a rather small Cabela camouflage bag that I really like. Lots of very nice bags available. What to get is really a personal preference .