random thoughts on "gun control" and some of it's aspects.


New member
Re the current furor over the existing DC ban on handguns, and their peculiar “storage regulations” concerning such long guns as the law abiding citizen might oh so generously be allowed to keep, the following comes to mind. Please bear with me regarding what might be the odd dumb question, as being a retired Piping Designer, sometime field engineer and or construction supervisor, I might not be the brightest guy around.. BTW, the following comments/observations are not limited to Washington, D.C., for they could apply to any number of other jurisdictions too.

The citizen is told that “you don’t need those things (guns), we are here to protect you”, this coming from police bureaucrats, and who knows, perhaps from some street cops too, though I doubt the latter. In any number of cases where the police have not responded in a timely manner when called, and it is not necessarily my intention to knock the police, the citizen ending up dead or injured, the courts have ruled that the police owe the individual, no particular service, protection or anything else. BTW, I do not claim that the police could be expected to be everywhere at once, nor that they should be..

Now then, we have a situation where government, in it’s august wisdom, opts to enact all inner of “gun control laws” enactments that essentially impact the law abiding, enactments that deny the law abiding the possession of handguns, either de jure or de facto, and which create “storage regulations” concerning long arms, that render them no more effective than sticks and stones ( see Washington, D.C. Law).for an example.

At this point, the following question comes to mind. WHAT IS THE LAW ABIDING CITIZEN TO DO? Some would reference comment seen on JPFO‘s web site, perhaps elsewhere too, which offered the following BOHICA. This translates as follows. Bend Over, Here It Comes Again. Of course, our law abiding citizen could always prepare himself/herself to die, though this might not be to the liking of any number of people. Mr., Mrs. Ms. Law Abiding type could alternatively offer up to whichever of the several gods man has worshiped down through the years, prayers or perhaps the sacrifice of a brown and white spotted goat or cow. Unfortunately, in urban environments, such sacrificial creatures tend to be in short supply, which of and in itself, creates something of a problem. Seriously though, faced with the above circumstances, exactly what is the law abiding citizen to do? That earlier posed question remains.

Here, I will be crude, or perhaps blunt. The employees of the people, otherwise known as elected things, this from a likely no longer with us Pittsburgh Press or Post-Gazette columnist, whose name I do not remember are, re the legislation they enact, legislation that lays the law abiding open to criminal attack, are essentially having their cake despite having eaten it. This is demonstrated in the legislation they offer, Gun Control in particular.

So, once again, I ask the following. What is Mr., Mrs. Ms. Law Abiding Citizen to do when confronted on one hand by the antics of criminals, while on the other hand, they must face the antics of their out of control employees, who like horses that have gotten the bit in their teeth, are essentially running wild. I don’t have the answer, though possibly someone reading the foregoing might have something interesting to offer.
Well alan, these are very valid questions, and I see very little in the way of responses coming from the antis.

If you want to know how a typical conversation with an anti might go, here's a rough sketch of at least one I've had:

SteelCore: Let's say you live alone and are forbidden to keep a gun in your home. You're in your bedroom and are about to turn in for the night. All of a sudden, three people -- armed with knives and a crowbar -- kick in your door and start running up the stairs to your bedroom. Aren't you happy you don't have a gun? Assuming you even have time to get to the phone and dial the cops, are you sure you won't just be calling to report your own murder?

Anti: [Sneering] That sort of thing never happens in real life.

SC: So criminal attacks aren't a problem in real life? Then why shouldn't everyone keep guns, if there are no criminals out there?

A: Gun violence is a problem, but home invasions aren't.

SC: Even if that were true, what about muggers and assaults committed outside the home? If you were a rapist, would you feel better trying to rape a woman who might have a gun on her, or one who didn't?

A: If I were a rapist, I'd have a gun. We need to get guns out of the hands of rapists. That's why we need gun control.

SC: So if rapists "only" had knives, then they'd be less successful in attacking disarmed women? :rolleyes:

...and so on. It's really hopeless to argue with some of these people. But when I run into someone who seems like he/she might be reasonable enough to listen, then I give it a try. (And I have converted some antis, I'm proud to say.)

As for anti politicians, other officials, and the anti lobby, you'll never convert them. They don't care about the answer to the question, "what's a law-abiding citizen to do?" You and I can just roll over and die for all they care, as long as they stay in power.

I, on the other hand, happen to believe that my life and freedom are worth a lot more than "laws" enacted by the champagne-sipping ruling class. They can take their laws straight to hell with them.

I really didn't expect response from the anti gun side, and I suspect that your exposition on a possible "conversation" would be pretty much on point. Otherwise, thanks for your input, and for taking the time to read through my comments, which I've been told elsewhere were "heavy going". That having been said, while I might not write particularly well, I enjoy writing, and beside that, my late father once told me that the thing I loved above all else was the sound of my own voice. I never disputed that point with him.

SecDef writes:

Where did you get that crazy idea that the police are there to protect us? Certainly not from case law. (dry nature of your question noted)

Those signs on the side of police cars? "To protect and serve"? Notice they don't say whom..

(I know, you make this point, I just wanted to reinforce it)


Reinforcement duly noted. Thank you too for reading.
The citizen is told that “you don’t need those things (guns), we are here to respond 30-60 minutes after you call 911, collect your and your families dead bodies, mop up the blood, maybe someday find the thugs who killed you (or just as likely not even try), and on the outside chance that the courts find them guilty, put them in jail for 5-7 years, they'll be out on parole in 18 months for good behavior”
There, fixed it for ya.

The employees of the people, otherwise known as elected things, this from a likely no longer with us Pittsburgh Press or Post-Gazette columnist, whose name I do not remember are, re the legislation they enact, legislation that lays the law abiding open to criminal attack
The elected things are not particularly troubled by the deaths of the law-abiding (despite the crocodile tears that they will shed when on camera.) The elected things are protected by bodyguards (WITH GUNS) and live in gated communities, travel in private jets and in armored Suburbans, they are safe from thugs and they don't mind at all if the law abiding citizens are unarmed (and potentially dead). A few dead law abiders is a small price to pay for the elected things, as long as the general population is disarmed in order to pave the way for continued tyrrany at the hands of the elected things.