Thanks. Ambiguous, and obviously trying to walk the exact middle-of-the-road for this issue (and I'm sure all other issues which are not the party's meat-n-potatoes issues). Almost sounds good - the problem is, what is meant by "carefully considered gun control"? - probably means the same idiocy we see offered by the Dems and Repubs, I'm sure, since it didn't say "crime" control. The only good "gun control" in my view is enhanced sentencing, the instant check, and perhaps a couple other PROVEN, non-infringing measures like increased civil liability for gross negligence. I'd have to say I wouldn't vote for this platform, though it sounds about the same as most Republicans on this issue. "Anti-personnel" ammunition??? What the hell is that? ALL ammunition is, or at least can be, anti-personnel! It's TOOL, get it? Can be used for good or evil. Subtly, this platform is actually quite anti-gun, isn't it, except for the belief in the right being constitutionally protected. What throws you off track is the vague language of "inappropriate for CRIMINALS [emphasis mine] to have access to....." First of all, DUH!, if you mean convicted felons and not "potential criminals". Second, reading between the lines, "access to..." is being viewed as a problem by this party, eh? Well, we all know most politicians' fantastic plan on how to solve this problem by "reducing access" by criminals - by you guessed it, disarming all us LAW-ABIDING of those items, to get them "off the streets". Same crap, slightly better disguise.
I'm thinking my personal favorites, in order are (1) Constitution Party, (2) Reform Party -but only if Jesse's or Pat's the candidate, (3) Libertarian, (4) Green, (5) Republican, and last AND DEFINITELY LEAST, (6) Dumbocraps. Did I leave out any parties?
[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited May 27, 2000).]