Rained out!!

Rob Pincus

New member
Well, I have been muddling through the last 6 weeks of the CJA waiting for Firearms Week. Now I get Floyded out.

We spent 8 hours at the range yesterday, working in three shooting groups.. less than 3 hours actual range time.

This morning I got to run through the qualification course once (as did almost everyone) before we were rained out....

They have officially cancelled the rest of the week at the range.

The two students who still need to qualify are going to be taken to some indoor range apparently.


Most of the students will be graduated with less than 4 hours basic range time with their sidearms.

But, we have been told to expect to shoot about 200 rounds during "Officer Survival" week. That shooting will be more dynamic and IDPA-like; with Shoot/No-shoot, Multiple targets, etc....
Also, we will be shooting our shotguns (50 rounds!!) before graduation and we are supposed to have time on the FATS (simulator) next month.

Still, I am disappointed/frustrated/pissed.

(Please don't kill the messenger)

Bummer, and scary that some of your team will have so little experince going out on the street. Sounds like they're pretty committed to getting everyone trained, though - this "officer survival week" should be good, and fun.

FATS is really cool. Teamed with some IDPA-type live fire stuff, everyone should soon be up to speed.

Say, whatever happened to your vaguely anti/afraid of guns pal? Has he yet been returned from the Dark Side?
Rob, Ol' Buddy, Ol' Pal, what happens to the poor coppers that have to engage in social intercourse during a bad rain storm? Do they get to call for a time out until the weather improves? When I went thru the academy it was January in Michigan, we shot out doors and had to qualify. "If ya can shoot when it's snowing and colder than hell, ya should be able to shoot when it's nice out."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I think you should stress to your fellow recruits that firearms training is a matter of survival. What they don't get at the academy, they should get on their own. I know far too many LEOs that would be in a world of hurt if they ever got into a gunfight.
Hey, that FATS simulator is pretty cool, kind of like shooting with a suppressor on! If they have one, take a run through the M16 version, that one is even better! Not as good as the real thing, but it doesn't stink, AND... you can stay dry even in this crappy weather!
Living in Michigan, I agree with Jim. If you can hold on target while a foot of snow is dumping down your neck, that's focus!

Allow me to relate a short story and to paraphrase my brother, DonL. We met once for a weekly bicycle club ride and the clouds were ominous at best with the news talking about possible tornados. While everyone was worried, he glibly remarked, "A tornado's nothing but a stiff headwind." Did we ride, you bet! Point here being all you need to do is adjust your windage a little. :) OK, a lot, but you get the point. I would have liked to go anyway. Damn the storm!


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety

[This message has been edited by Ron L (edited September 16, 1999).]
I agree whole-heartedly with the "We work in the rain, wo we should shoot inthe rain" theory. The instructors kept us out WEdnesday, they had us run through the Qual course in a pretty steady rain with a slight wind, but they had to stop because the targets and target backs weren't staying in the holders or were falling to pieces. We could've shot cans, or 2x4s or anything else, but they were not prepared for anything too creative.. They had a course outline and if they couldn't stick to it, we were moving on.....

I really feel bad for the people who are new to guns, like my roomate, he shot an 82% on his last run through the course and was pretty happy with that (70% to pass...). He told me that he made a major leap forward by having the gun out in the same room as his wife last week... but at least he seems to have accepted the idea of "Off-Duty Carry", but we still have a long way to go.

Since we had classes cancelled today, I got to go the Gym this morning with one of the guys from my new department who was up here for a Ground Fighting instructors school.. no I am pissed/frustrated/dissapointed and Bruised/Sore/scraped/scrathed ;)
