Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear


New member
Bought this a week or so ago. It's definitely and improvement over the first R6. You have more control over your different teams, such as when they pause prior to receiving a go-code, you can have them either snipe, defend (360 degrees), or cover (180 degrees) orders so that they don't get plugged from behind by some goon. You can set their engagement modes so that they either shoot on sight, only when tango in path, or only when tango engages first so that you can actually do a recon without your teammate giving you away.

Your guys are way more intelligent. In R6 your teammates sometimes (alright, often), would stand directly in front of a door when opening to enter or frag, which usually resulted in your guy getting plugged or fragging himself. Now your mates will stand to one side of the door, lean over, and toss the grenade inside, without exposing himself in any way.

Graphics and weather effects are way better. I'm running a VooDoo3 3000, Celeron 300A (overclocked to 374mhz), and 128mb RAM and it looks cool. Not quite as cool as Quake3, but nothing does. Fog, snowflakes that drop like the real thing, etc, very good.

New animations make the tango and teammates look and move pretty naturally. When a tango gets shot, they tend to do a rather comical pirouette (sp?) before falling. Sometimes they hack, cough and make odd noises. Other times they take multiple hits before going down or limp away if you don't get a particularly good hit.

The weapons array this time is a smorgasbord of sweet pieces. I've been using the UMP .45 suppressed whenever a subgun is desired. I tend to use either the Colt M4 or HK G36 for assault rifles.

I found some cheats that allow you to do things like invisibility (theshadowknows) so you can check out a level without having to play it or finish one of those impossible recon only levels.
Is this an add on like Eagle Watch? I downloaded the demo and it looks pretty awesome. Thanks to Donkey Kong 64 for the kids, Rogue Spear has to wait a while!
drew, its is its own game. I never owned teh first one. but the one rocks. i put more time into planning each mission then I do playing it.
I feel bad for john Clark, cuz I've killed ding like 10 times already today and I've only been playing it for 2 hours, that what happens when college kids are planning missions.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Destructo6 - What other games have you run on the Voodoo 3000 ? Do you think the extra RAM makes the biggest difference in the set up?
I've run Quake 2 and 3, Mechwarrior3, Half-Life and some of its mods, Rainbow6 + EagleWatch and now Rainbow6: RogueSpear, Unreal (gack), and a few other miscellaneous games.

The Voodoo3 benchmarks at or near the top in most tests. With Unreal and Half-Life, it's now noticeably better at 800x600 (and most textures/effects turned on) than it was before, with Voodoo1, at 640x480 (with all but the basic turned off).

I'm pretty happy with the Voodoo3, which I bought at a computer show in June for about $140. I was also able to pick up a CreativeLabs "SoundBlaster Live! value," for $50 which enables some of the environmental audio (EAX) stuff in a lot of the newer games, like R6: RougeSpear.
To run Rogue Spear successfully, the main issue will be RAM. Install all you can afford. I am running RS fairly well on a P166-MMX with 64MB of RAM and no 3D video card. This is way below the minimum specs.
I'm running RS and R6 on my 550 P3 with 356 megs of ram @ 1024x768. Rocks. Download the LWM mod. Adds about 100 "real-world" weapons to it. My uncle is a member of the Chicago HRT team and they have been using a modified version of R6 for tactical training with new members. Pretty Cool.