Rainbow-like trajectories...


New member
I calculated theoretical ballistics for my hawken 50-cal muzzleloader using "tkBallistic" (found at http://members.xoom.com/joshua_weage/ballistic/) and plotted them with GnuPlot.

Here's my data:

"50maxi" approximates a hornady 385 gr maxiball over about 90 grains(volumetric) of pyrodex out to 200 yards with a step size of 5 yards. "50maxi1" is the same out to 100 yards with a step size of 1 yard.

"50ball" approximates a hornady ball over about 90 grains (volumetric) of pyrodex out to 200 yards. "50ball1" is the same out to 100 yards with a step size of 1 yard.

I used the "G1" model, which is appropriate for round-nose bulelt travelling under 2000fps. It's almsot perfect for .22lr, and since a maxiball is ballisitcally just a scaled-up .22, it should be quite realistic for these ranges.

Compare the energy vs distance graphs to note why the maxiball is better for hunting: it stays over 1000 ft-lbf of energy out past 100 yards, while the ball (though faster) looses its energy much mroe rapidly.

good references for ballistics are: http://www.snipercountry.com/ballistics/index.html and http://www.lascruces.com:80/~jbm/