rain water nows belongs to higher authority

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seems like in this brave new world we have carved out for ourselves even the rain water coming off a persons roof can't be claimed.

That statement is misleading based on the article provided, which has nothing to do with guns or civil rights.

WildthisisasillthreadAlaska ™
So I need to apply for a permit to stand in the rain with my mouth open? Hope not, because that's something I spend some considerable time doing.
I know a feller in colorado who would be breaking the law to collect water from his roof to water his vegetable garden...:rolleyes:
Brave new world?


Well-established law in many areas of the west.

"Colorado water law follows the prior appropriation doctrine, of which the core principle is “first in time, first in right.” The first person to put water to beneficial use and comply with other legal requirements obtains a water right superior to all later claims to that water."

While it is on topic for this forum, the hyperbolistic entry is not.

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