Rain days are for lubing.


New member
I'm currently stamping some of mine out that were dipped in TAC#1 lube. I got a new "cake cutter" this week and wanted to try it out. I had a couple of different styles (double and single groove) that I wanted to test it on.
I had previously tumbled, sized and then re-tumbled these for loading, so they are getting triple lubed, but I wanted to play with my new toy and didn't have any raw boolits handy. :D
The next ones will be prettier because they won't have the brown stuff on em.;)



Here are the 1st dozen.

I think it's working out really well! I had been using an expanded shell casing with a nail stuck through the drilled-out primer hole, and this beats that by 800% (or more), not the results, but the ease of use. There are a bazillion ways to get wax to stick in a groove, but some easier than others.
I think it's working out well also. I've never done it that way but see nothing wrong with it at all.