Rain again today......


New member
It rained again this morning. This must be the wettest summer I can remember. I'm missing the drought right about now.
So I dug out a few bags of bullets that I had cast in dry times past and ran a couple of pans of them through the lube sizer. This lube looks like it's black, but it's Carnauba Blue and then they were tumbled in a very thin coat of Xlox/floor wax to seal them. The Xlox makes the lube look very dark.
Now to load them for the ol' .45 and hopefully a dry day soon.

Now to load them for the ol' .45 and hopefully a dry day soon.

Awww now, we know better than that....your not REALLY gonna mess up those purty bullets by shovin them in a case are ya?:D

Those, or some AWFULLY close to em, run real well outta my Redhawk over around 13grs of HS-6. Course they will shoot lengthwise through a bus as well, but they git-r-done. :D:D
I have some HS-6. Maybe I'll put some of em on the fast train.
Yep, I'm gonna get some of em dirty. Mom has claimed my SBH .44 mag and she wants a competition again. She beat me last time, but I just got my new glasses and I'm claiming it'll make a difference.:)
I keep tellin' her that my .45s will outshoot her and that .44, but words don't impress her. She wants to see some shootin'.:rolleyes:
As far as the .44 outshooting the .45, that's when Mom is shooting it. ;) She's pretty good with her sixgun. :)

As far as the .44 outperforming the .45... well, let me just share this from Gunblast:
"The great thing about the .45 Colt in modern cases as compared to the .44 Magnum is that the .45 Colt can be loaded to more power with less pressure than the .44 magnum. That is not a misprint. The .45 Colt properly loaded is more powerful than the .44 magnum. The .44 Magnum is still a great cartridge, but it takes much more pressure to push a 325-grain bullet to the speed of a 325-grain bullet in the .45 Colt. I must stress that these heavy-loaded forty-fives are not for guns such as the Smith & Wesson N-frames or Colt Single actions or their copies. These guns are very good, but cannot handle a steady diet of 325 grain bullets pushed in excess of 1300 feet per second as can the stronger Ruger revolvers. "

And now I'm gonna go duck and hide. LOL :cool:
Ok so I see the slinging is starting up so I might as well grab a handful and have fun too....:D

The 45 Colt is a grand ol dame, and has done it all, the 44 well it came about in a time of great wildcatting, and gained most of it's fame thanks to Dirty Harry.

The 41 however will do as much as either with the right load, do it with less recoil and a flatter trajectory and has gained it's ground on them both slowly but surely one clawing little bit at a time. And besides it started out as .410" and is actually still true to caliber. ;)

My friend told me once on a hog hunt, "that 41 can reach out further than you would ever think it would, and really puts the smackdown on those hogs. It's funny, they can run, but they just die tired."

No prejudice here either, I have one of them all, in a 7.5" Redhawk, and almost had one each in a 14" Contender bull barrel, but someone wanted the Colt just a bit more than I did. I bet you can guess which one gets out the most.

Now what was that y'all were sayin about duckin for cover?
You guys give me nothing to fuss about. I love the 45 & have two. I've just had an easier time getting bug holes with the 44.

And while I'm at it, if I was starting again I'd go 41. It would do anything I need to do.
'Never owned a .41
I cast a lot of .41 for a fellow, but I'm a .45 man. I got a couple of BH .44sp and a SBH .44 mag, but the .45 is where it's at for me.

I just got this last week and have already run some cast bullets through it. It's my first birdshead, but it's already growing on me.

Beagle333, I am just down the road a short piece from you. It is has been wet in this region. It certainly has kept the temperatures abnormally low for this time of the year.

I have been resizing and reloading an order of damaged Lake City brass from Everglade Reloading. Out of an order of 1000 pieces of mangled brass, I got 1,088 decent pieces. They throw in a lot of extra, and some ends up in the recycle tub.

Now to reload some .45 Colt for my S&W Mountain Gun revolver.
Send some of those lake breezes on down the road! We were 96° yesterday and are already 96° today with an index of 105°. I'm feelin' a little toasted.