RAID wrong house? Get medals.

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I'm gonna :barf::barf:

But Dolan said in a statement: "The officers put themselves in harm's way. They were shot at and shot and deserved to be recognized."[never mind they were shot AT justifiably and they shot at the WRONG people instead of withdrawing]

Someone enters your house without your permission? Help them into a grave and if that isn't successful, help them get commendations. This guy hit nothing but vest. Buy an AK pistol because it will penetrate a vest. If you must use a "conventional" handgun for home defense, use .357, .22 mag or similar vest penetrators. We need some dead invaders so they CAN'T get medals for terrorizing our wives and children after they chose to use extreme force on a family based on shaky information. You're not going to bother to verify your info because you like doing commando raids MORE than you like protecting innocent families? You deserve to be dead.
The investigation found the team had gone there looking for a gang member's guns after an informant gave investigators bad information. Authorities are still looking into how the case was handled before the raid, but Dolan said the SWAT officers themselves have been cleared.

This is why SWAT needs to be modified. SWAT did no investigation... the "investigators" mentioned here were not members of the SWAT team.

These SWAT officers did nothing wrong. They sure as heck don't deserve medals, but they did not commit the act of negligence.

Frankly, the investigating officers should be benched without pay pending an IA review. Charges should be filed against them for about a dozen counts of aggrevated assault and endangerment... one for each SWAT member and one for each family member. They should be civilly liable for all repair costs to the house, any medical expenses, and counseling for all parties.

Seriously: how hard is it to drive past a suspect house and run the license plate of the vehicle in the driveway prior to entry? Or pull up who pays the electric bill? These simple actions could have saved so much trauma.
Minneapolis is becoming a joke. I guess we might be able to say that these cops were lucky it wasn't a black family whose home they wrongly raided. Then, we'd have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hanging around Minneapolis like vultures circling carrion.

By the way, on the 4th of July, a bunch of gangbangers beat the crap out of a white man at Valley Fair, which is a local amusement park in the Minneapolis area. Why did they beat him up? One of their punk friends sexually assaulted a 12 year old girl who was leaving the park with her family after the fireworks were over. Her dad stepped in to protect her. The punk got on his cell phone and called up his buddies in the park. Together, 8 of these gangsters attacked the man, stomping on him until he was unconscious. He had very severe injuries and had to be hospitalized. He needed extra recovery time for his injuries after he was released from the hospital. We never heard squat from the likes of Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton over this racial incident. Why am I not surprised.

At least three of these gang members had felony records. Most of them were in the ages of 19-22, but there was at least one juvenile. I believe 7 of them were arrested once the police showed up, and they are still looking for one of these thugs. So what sort of bail do you think a judge in the land of 10,000 liberals handed out for these fine, upstanding citizens? It ranged from $40K to $60K and they all posted bail bonds. So, they are out running amok while they wait for their trials. Grrrrrrrrr!
Someone enters your house without your permission? Help them into a grave and if that isn't successful, help them get commendations. This guy hit nothing but vest. Buy an AK pistol because it will penetrate a vest. If you must use a "conventional" handgun for home defense, use .357, .22 mag or similar vest penetrators. We need some dead invaders so they CAN'T get medals for terrorizing our wives and children after they chose to use extreme force on a family based on shaky information. You're not going to bother to verify your info because you like doing commando raids MORE than you like protecting innocent families? You deserve to be dead.

How old are you? I'm guessing not old enough to drive.
Abuse of police powers is a genuine issue that deserves serious attention.

Someone enters your house without your permission? Help them into a grave and if that isn't successful, help them get commendations. This guy hit nothing but vest. Buy an AK pistol because it will penetrate a vest. If you must use a "conventional" handgun for home defense, use .357, .22 mag or similar vest penetrators. We need some dead invaders so they CAN'T get medals for terrorizing our wives and children after they chose to use extreme force on a family based on shaky information. You're not going to bother to verify your info because you like doing commando raids MORE than you like protecting innocent families? You deserve to be dead.

I lost a witness who volunteered to serve a warrant. He had a six month old son, and was a pervasively good fellow.

Very easy to deride a class of people who overstep. Arguing as you have above lacks merit.
Government worshipers like to change the subject like that. Salright. PM me if you want a copy of the totally hilarious message/quasi threat Stagger sent me. When the government worshipers panic from the truth, we get AWESOME comedy :D:p:D

Since that dude is so worked up about what HE imagines my age to be, here's a cut of my carry permit:

Someone enters your house without your permission? Help them into a grave and if that isn't successful, help them get commendations. This guy hit nothing but vest. Buy an AK pistol because it will penetrate a vest. If you must use a "conventional" handgun for home defense, use .357, .22 mag or similar vest penetrators. We need some dead invaders so they CAN'T get medals for terrorizing our wives and children after they chose to use extreme force on a family based on shaky information. You're not going to bother to verify your info because you like doing commando raids MORE than you like protecting innocent families? You deserve to be dead.

I think what we really need is better oversight of SWAT ops, a change in the laws on "no-knock" warrants, and a lot less shrill nonsense about killing cops.
You better all listen to stagger lee! The only rights you have are to turn around, bend over, spread your legs, and grab your ankles, and get ready for two inches of uncle sam's special humble pie!
Very, very sloppy police work. Someone's feet need to be held to the fire for certain on this one. Just very fortunate that there were no fatalities on either side. I think part of the problem is with the "military" mindset of many police these days. These type of engagements are deadly serious and need to be prepared with the utmost thoroughness. "We're sorry your husband's dead but we got the wrong information " is simply not acceptable

Cool hand, an invader CEASES to be a cop the minute they come crashing through my door with no warrant and terrorize my family with death threats/actions. Understand? They aren't knocking and asking a question, they are destroying property so they can threaten the lives of innocent wives and children with death by accidental MACHINE GUN, and committing FELONY assault. "I was just following orders" isn't an excuse either. Time to look at the WHOLE picture Cool Hand.
Age is Stagger Lee's usual first attack. Then he calls you a tinfoil militia internet commando type.

It seems to really bother him when people insist upon their rights to home, hearth, safety and pursuit of happiness. Methinks he doesn't have much respect for those things in other people, and possibly has a career in an authoritarian law enforcement body of some sort.
Hey, if you don't put your name to things that sound like they were typed by some loner teen with anger issues or otherwise express some irrational view of the police as "the enemy", I probably wouldn't have to point it out. Don't hate me because you say dumb things that make yourself and this whole forum look bad.
Cool hand, an invader CEASES to be a cop the minute they come crashing through my door with no warrant and terrorize my family with death threats/actions. Understand? They aren't knocking and asking a question, they are destroying property so they can threaten the lives of innocent wives and children with death by accidental MACHINE GUN, and committing FELONY assault. "I was just following orders" isn't an excuse either. Time to look at the WHOLE picture Cool Hand.

You cant kill anyone in order to save your property. If soneone breaks your door down, at any time for any reason, you cant kill them. And you cant kill anyone for a threat, lots of threats are made and you cant kill someone for it. Cops are not in the business of kicking in a door and just shooting whoever they see. Doesnt happen. Should cops kick in your door, on purpose or by mistake, I suggest you put your hands up and do what they say, If its a mistake or not legit, then you have legal action you can take, and should take. Cops (just like mailmen, doctors, mechanics and lawyers) do make mistakes. There are some bad cops out there as well. If they kick in your door and its not legit, get a lawyer and sue. Make a formal complaint to the cleo or sheriff.

Plus, you have no right to resist an arrest, even if the arrest is unlawful.
Conn. Trooper:

Middle of the night, in the dark, awoken from sleep, a home owner has no idea who those shouting voices are, what they are saying or whether they are legit or not.

All he knows is he has a handful of seconds before he's about to be overpowered by what could be very bad people. Especially if he has a lifelong history of NOT getting involved in situations dictating a SWAT raid. He's not accustomed to it, and it is the farthest thing from his mind when he went to sleep.

I think we need a federal or state level law that immunizes a person from any liability for shooting a police officer who commits a no-knock night entry to a house that has absolutely nothing to do with his investigation.

That should DRASTICALLY cut down on the number of bad no-knocks out there.

Stagger: You would have made an excellent 18th century Tory.
Hey, if you don't put your name to things that sound like they were typed by some loner teen with anger issues or otherwise express some irrational view of the police as "the enemy", I probably wouldn't have to point it out. Don't hate me because you say dumb things that make yourself and this whole forum look bad.
I love this thread and everybody in it :D

BTW, stagger, what I said only "sounded" that way to you.
What, exactly, is a troll?

AZredhawk, I agree with what you say to a certain degree. We actually dont do no-knock night warrants anymore, just because of the potential problems. However, you still cant shoot someone for a mistake. However, again, you have no right to resist an arrest. Thats how people get hurt. I would also suspect that if a team of people are coming into your house with machine guns at 2 am, you are not coming out on top in that one.
Oh boy. We need a subforum where we can say whatever we want (well, that which doesn't "spill out" into our REAL, personal lives).

I've got a thing or two that our beloved trooper never heard before. And would hope that it stings! :mad:
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