Radio Retards

cornered rat

Local radio station had call-ins on the results of a local vote...people rejected raising sales tax from 6.5% to 7% to build a new baseball stadium. One of the people on the show stated that existing tax revenue can go to better uses, such as school improvement . He basically said that it is ludicrous to pay for yet another stadium when that takes bread out of kids' mouths (referring to cutting of various programs to pay for corporate welfare). So far, so good...I disagree with some of his reasoning but have much the same stand anyway.

The moron running the show then says: "Well, let's just raise taxes! Spending existing tax revenues is bad, but raising taxes improves quality of life and doesn't take bread out of kids' mouths."

Huh? Raising my taxes improves my life? Sometimes I wonder how these folks manage to function witout a full-time nurse reminding them to breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breath out...
Oleg, what the tard said was "raising taxes improves quality of life and doesn't take bread out of kids' mouths."

IOW, "improves quality of (politicians') life and doesn't take bread out of (politicians') kids' mouths."

He didn't say jackdammit about *your* quality of life. Wake up, son. :)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.

You've got to be from the Twin Cities! High taxes, morons that don't think they're high enough, etc. . .

Regards from a fellow Minnesotan (at least 2 of us have brains!),

The masses have been conditioned for decades to accept taxes and tax increases as a natural part of our great"democracy". Alas,it looks as if there is no limit to the amount of taxes the masses are willing to pay for so called benefits which dont really exist. Taxes just keep the elites and their political hacks in power and it is the dumbed down goy who are footing the bill. The corporate state taxes the fruits of our labor and we meekly submit to it. The Founders would vomit if they saw us now! Think about it . We must work from Jan. to around the end of May just to pay taxes. Heck, the serfs in the middle ages it is figured were tax around 25 %. Boys, we are the biggest serf society in history and, although the evidence is before us, all of us are simply indentured servants to the corporate state and its enforcment agency, IRS. This is plan FACT and people will not realize we are paying taxes upon taxes WE SHOULD NOT OWE. And all can be traced to the creation of the Fed reserve in 1913 and early income tax within the same year or so. It has been downhill ever since. President Garfield made this statement in the last century(murdered by the way): Whoever controls the money in any country is master of all its legislation and commerce". IRS gets your taxes from your income to pay the interest on the national debt created by the Fed reserve itself. Uncle Scam has created quite a system to plunder the riches of the people. But it never would have succeeded without the criminal politicos and the dumb voters. There have been a few in Congress to warn of this system ocer the past decades. Senator Malone,speaking before Congress about the Fed Reserve in 1962,stated that "itadds up to a preoccupied plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.I believe that if the people of this nation understood what Congress HAS DONE TO THEM OVER THE PAST 49 YEARS,they would move on Washington,they would not wait for an election".Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. Yes, the topic is taxes and it leads straight to the top:the Fede Reserve System who debauched our currency and set up this income tax system with the conivence of the politicos.
Fortunately for us, yesterday the people of Washington said "smoke you" to such foolishness by passing Initiative 695, which requires that all tax increases be put to a vote of the people.

If a radio retard wants to raise taxes, let him cast his vote against the rest of us. Can you say "what is the sound of one hand clapping?"
Mort, how about a national law that any tax increase by the US Congress must go back to the people of the United States for a national referendum of any tax increase by our representatives in Congress? Maybe that will stop Congress . Something better stop Congress soon or they will take 100% of what we earn.
Hey there Twin Citians! (?)

I live in Hudson. (you know, cheesehead country)

Great to see that you didn't fall for that cr*p. Good for you! (I guess you mud-ducks have brains after all)
They'll build that stadium with public money, now matter how many times the public votes "no" on it. They did it here in Seattle.
I say just TAX the players... they all get more than enough of our money - they dont need taxes for a new ball park - they could build one out of just ONE pro players salary.
Bunch of spoiled pecker woods...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
That's what I'm talkin' about George! Who the hell is worth multi-million $$$$ a year? I ain't never seen a man or woman worth that kind of money. All for playing a game? Like my better half says (and I do mean better), "I'm a nurse. I only help save lives for a living". She's right, she works to help keep people alive, but that ain't near as important as who can hit a homerun, or pass a ball, or do a tomahawk slam dunk. Now I ain't sayin' she should get millions of dollars a year (though it would be nice ;)) but it seems our priorities are all screwed up. I ain't against sports. I even watch some on the tube. But how they get that these people are worth that kind of money when people who make a difference in every day life like, teachers, leo's, medical people, etc.. are usually on the lower end of the income scale just amazes me!!

rant mode not off, just on standby!!

You're probably right. The Minnesota Twins have had 3 strikes (our Legislature and the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul), but nobody has declared them "out" yet. I would not be the least bit surprised if they find a way (just like the Target Center, home of the Timberwolves and the new home of the Minnesota Wild NHL team) to build this thing without another public or legislative vote. I hate to think of the number of "real" jobs (something better than hamburger flippers) that would be created if the same amount of public money were dedicated toward making the State of Minnesota economically hospitable to businesses generally. But, of course, that would be supporting "big business" at the expense of education, social welfare programs, etc.

Mud Ducks? Haven't heard that one before! I will hand it to you on your selection of Tommy Thompson. I'll trade you Jesse Ventura for him -- even up. Deal? As for our other politicians (federal and state), I think Wisconsin and Minnesota are a pair to draw to. So don't go braggin too hard, there, Cheese Head.

[This message has been edited by MLT (edited November 04, 1999).]
Here in Maryland, taxpayers have funded a baseball and football stadium in Baltimore. Only the rich Yuppies , government workers from DC, and elites with their skyboxes can afford to see a baseball or football game. Memorial Stadium wasnt good enough for the Orioles and the working class fans of Maryland and southern PA who used to support the team have been excluded from seeing the games . The workingclass(whats left of them as Baltimore loses its industries) cannot afford to take a family to a ball game. Will the taxpayers ever wake up and say no to these modern day robber barons (corporations) and their politico Lackeys. Play Ball!