Racial profiling?

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Just wanted to gather some thoughts. Here's what I think. Is it PC, No. Does it work, Yes. It works in the very same way the insurance companies charge higher rates for certian makes and models of vehicles. It may be dumb but it sure as heck ain't very smart to do a search on a 80 year old grandmother. All in the name of "fairness." Life ain't fair get over it. Also it would not be the first time the US used racial profiling. If we had the same attitude we have now back in WWII we would be bowing to a Nazi flag. I can just see the Media: "The Nazi's have the right to free expression just as much as anyone else." Isn't there some law that allows the bill of rights to be suspended during times of war.

Okay I'm off my soap box. I'm tunring it over to the rest of the members. What is is your oppinion of Racial Profiling?
Run that through a spellchecker, reformat it for legibility, put some thought and effort into formulating a clear thesis or statement, and then repost it.

On second thought, don't.
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