R.B.Schop & Co.


New member
Hi, Have you any knowlage of this company or the guns they made? I see one listed in an upcoming auction. I've looked in the blue book and done the web search, nothing. It's listed as an indian agency gun. No calibre listed and only a 2 letter ser. #. Any info would help.
I can't find the name in any of my manufactures directory's. It's possibly they were only the retaliers.
They were probably a hardware store or chain. I found one listed on an auction service, probably the same place you saw it. With pictures, it might be possible to determine the maker, but without further information, the well is dry.

The add i saw claims it to be an indian agency gun. could those be stamped by the agency that supplied them like a retail outlet did? ala sears, wards, coast to coast? There's no pics of the gun in the sale bill so i can't supply any more info on this end, but thanks for trying.
If the idea of an Indian agency gun appeals to you and makes a difference in your bid, ask the seller what documentation he has to support that statement. Does he know that Schop was an Indian agent of some kind? I thought that at that time Indians were not allowed to buy firearms, but my knowledge in that area is skimpy so others my educate me/us.

In general, such claims, like alleged ownership by a prominent person, are worthless without solid documentation.

Sorry about the delay in response. What I know is what I read in the auction ad. I believe the agency part had to do with onsite gov. office that dealt with law enforcement and supplies. If I remember my high school history tribal members were hired as LEOS and were issued rifles of all sorts. some of which were adorned with carvings, siver jewelry, and such. My interest comes from historical curiosity and the fact that i've never heard of the gun mfr. (not surprizing, there's a lot I don't know about a lot of things) I couldn't find R.B.Schop & co. in the blue book or 3 online gun auction sites. TFL members seem to have a great wealth of knowlege and reference material. So, I thought I'd ask.
Alas, the decorated rifles you have seen were done by individuals, not an agency or tribal police. Allso be aware, ther are quite a few " Indian Rifles" that were done in the garage of someones home just to jump the price of an old, ill treated Winchester.