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    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

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It was disabled due to abuse.

You can still quote, it's just a little more work since you have to copy and paste the text you want to quote between [quote] and [/quote] tags.

So our firearms forum has tried to curtail free speech?:rolleyes:

I would love to have a beer with the genius that came up with that idea.
no curtailment of it at all, so your rolled eyes comments are both childish and unnecessary. It was to prevent folks from quoting quotes of quotes that had been quoted twice before, making reading bothersome and not allowing folks to follow the message. You can still cite or quote as mentioned..

What's so hard about that? :rolleyes: backatcha......
How does it try to curtail free speech (which, BTW, doesn't apply to a privately-run site, of which you are currently a guest)?

What it does do is cut down on the noise in threads. Ever try to follow threads on ARFCOM or any other forum that allows endless quoting upon quoting upon quoting? I'd rather spend time reading quality responses vs. the bs found on other sites.

Tip: Highlight the part you want to quote, press cntl-c, press the Quote button, press cntl-v. Done. Doing it this way makes you choose which part of the discussion you want to quote so you aren't clogging up the airwaves with anything else not relevant to your response.
The "quote a post" feature it hasn't been provided on TFL for years. I never remember it working here. You are mistaken in saying that "I can't "quote" a message anymore." because that feature certainly hasn't been active since you joined.

You can quote, you just can't automatically quote an entire post with the push of a single button. If you go to forums that provide that feature you will see that it is typically badly overused.

To quote, copy the material to be quoted into your post then highlight it and click the
button on the editor toolbar.

If you want to get fancy with your quoting you can read this thread in the Suggestions, Questions and Tech Support subforum of TFL. Which, by the way is where this question should have been posted and where I will move it now.
So our firearms forum has tried to curtail free speech?

I would love to have a beer with the genius that came up with that idea.
The idea that not providing a single-button-press way to quote an entire post is a way to "curtail free speech" is completely without logical merit and is essentially nonsensical.

It doesn't restrict in any way what you are allowed to say on the forum, it only means you have to take an extra step or two to accomplish a particular function. Your comment is equivalent to saying a building without automatic doors is trying to curtail your right to enter because you have to actually open the doors manually.

Furthermore the person who owns and funds this forum has a right to configure it in any way he sees fit and also to restrict what is posted in any way he wishes. That doesn't restrict anyone's right to free speech anymore than my telling you that you can't choose the carpet color in my house restricts your right to the pursuit of happiness.

Those who feel that the rules and the functionality of the site leave something to be desired can make suggestions in the Suggestions, Questions and Tech Support forum, or they can move on to another forum that suits them better or they can pay to set up their own forum.
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