With the striker cocked, and using the edge of a counter, I can retract the rear portion of the bolt assembly approx 1/4" and snick the safety into all three positions. Upon setting the safety to safe, and releasing the pressure, the striker will remain rearward at that 1/4" and rest upon that little lip of metal on the shaft of the safety. That lip, has the same surface area in the middle position of the safety, hence no movement at that position either. However, upon moving to the fire setting, the striker will come forward that 1/4" because there is no metal on the lip in this position to retain the striker in its rearmost position. There is no way the saftey can move anywhere now, because it has no engagement with the cylinder wall of the striker.
This bolt is very heavily covered in cosmoline, but that does not account for the mechanical condtion I have noted above.
I have examined the wing saftey and the striker, and I find no stoning, or filing marks that would indicate the sometimes tinkering that our hobby seems to invite.
I have partially disassembled the rear portion of the bolt, really only just removing the striker itself, not the firing pin, and the wing safety. I did not do this on purpose, but by accident while manually pushing the striker back to cock the action.
With these pieces removed, and examining the firing pin (I think) it is very solidly in place. An exceptional amount of crud is present yes, but it will not bulge with moderate force and that is where I stop on the force scale and come ask questions!
This is my first Mauser action, I am a very big fan of the Finn M39 series rifles. I am fairly mechanically skilled, but this one is a real brute. Is there any online visual reference on how to dissasemble this bolt and/or check for problems?