Quick Trip is looking for employees who carry guns.


New member

Quick Trips are all over Oklahoma and have had a bunch of robberies of late. Now they're looking for employees with security/military/law enforcement background who carry guns.

This quote was interesting:
There are visual cues that make it easy to differentiate between regular QT workers and the hybrid employees, who are armed, he said.

“Our employees like it, customers really like it, and we’re seeing all kinds of (security and crime-related) incidents just plummet,” Thornbrugh said. “Customers really like it that we’re trying something that’s making a difference.”

They're calling them "hybrid" employees and the job pays $35/hr.
So they are sort of doing the bottom line kind of thing. They don't want to pay for armed security that just does security. They want to pay for armed security that runs a register, cleans the restrooms, empties trash, etc.

I wonder what sort of training and legal protections they will provide for their hybrids.
QT always has pretty nice stores and good prices on fuel. I see them around Texas and they are really starting to ramp up their stores in San Antonio. I drove by one that just opened about 2 miles from my home and regular was $1.89!

Having an armed attendant is a good thing and a nice change from companies that disarm their employees.

The question use to be "what kind of liability do they face if I get hurt after they disarm me at work".

About time the table turns and it's the employees choice if they want to work there. No way I work work at any convenient store unarmed. Good for QT! I'll probably stop in from time to time just to support them.
They don't want to pay for armed security that just does security. They want to pay for armed security that runs a register, cleans the restrooms, empties trash, etc.

For $35 an hour I'd clean restrooms all day long, and with a smile on my face!
$35 per hour is Canadian Auto Worker car assembler wages. $35 per hour for a gas jockey isn't bad though. Wonder who provides the firearm.
However, the whole idea sounds like a liability nightmare waiting to happen. An ex-military guy is not trained for what amounts to retail security or CCW. Neither is a former cop.
Wonder if they have these 'hybrids' open carry or CC...BUT it sounds like a great retirement job..$5600 per month, full time..not too shabby..
And there's the rub. Does spending $5,600 save the company at least that much or, preferably, twice that much? And after a while, how do you know that you're actually saving that much when the numbers have to use to make the comparison start to age?

All it takes is one lawsuit for a shooting in the store and the savings is lost.

I would think these employees would receive at least as much training as an armed private security guard would. As for law suits retailers are sort of "darned if they do and darned if they don't" as it relates to armed guards. If the guard overreacts or sometimes even if they reacted properly they will most likely be sued by someone. However, there is a growing market now for attorneys to sue companies for not doing enough to prevent crime.
$35 per hour for a gas jockey isn't bad though.

But it isn't $35 an hour for a gas jockey. It is $35 an hour for a gas jockey AND a security guard and you know the primary placement of these people will be in the worst of areas, stores with the most problems.