Quick release retrofit for `Weaver' Type rings?


New member
Anyone know of anyone making a `quick release' retrofit for `Weaver' style (Or Burris Signature Z-rings) rings? I've got a Daewoo DR-200 `project' coming up and we were wondering if there were any such `beasts' out there that we could use. (We're thinking about putting a Burris Red Dot on it and the sight uses/comes with, I disremembers prezactly I think, `custom' 35mm rings. So... Retrofit is most likely the answer as I haven't yet seen anyone besides Burris making any and Burris's are *not* `quick release'. (The reasoning behind the `quick release' is so that when/if the Red Dot goes `belly up' it can be easily, and fairly quickly, removed and the iron sights used.)
Hmmmmmm... Am I asking this question in the wrong forum? (And *if so* which forum *should* I be asking?) Or... Is no one reading anything in this forum because they are busy in a couple others? Is it because this is something that is thought of as being `completely rediculous' and not even worth replying to even though I ask in all seriousness since it *would* be nice to be able to remove the potentially `offensive device' and be able to go back to iron sights without having to carry more than just a `simple?' `toolkit'? (Maybe even be able to do it with one's own `bare hands'? *if* it were to come down to it?) Finally... Could it be that there just `tain't' such a thing and this answer is provided by said lack or response?

Just wondering....
Halfpint, for myself and I think maybe others, if I don't know the answer or someone has already given an answer I agree with I don't answer the thread. I looked through a couple of catalogues without finding 35mm rings period but I'm not going to tell you that they aren't out there. George
Sorry about sounding `strident'.

Actually what I am looking for is some sort of `replacement' for the `crossbolt?' that tightens the rings down to the rail. I do know that the rings that come with the Burris Red Dot sight are `special' to the sight and wasn't holding out much hope for some other rings. Actually... The main reason for going with the Burris was that I can get it for a fairly `cheap?' price and *if* it ever did go `belly up' and I had to remove it, and possibly `trash' it, I wouldn't feel too bad about doing it. {GRIN!} Both the Daewoos we are going to be `working on' are AWEfully (Spelling intentional, BTW.) accurate with the `factory?' sights but we've found that, at least with most of the other firearms we've put `red dots' on, target `acquistion' and `re-acquistion' is appreciably quicker. (In a `test run' this last summer we called in a pair of coyotes and were able, with the `red dot' equipt rifle, to take both down. With the `factory' sights the second one would have gotten away. [And, in fact, on a later `set' and `call' that is exactly what happened. Dropped the first one and the second escaped.]) So... Like I said... All we are looking for are some `parts' that we could use to give us an `easier?' way to remove it *if* ever needed. If it's not possible then I guess that we'll have to come up with some sort of `tool' that we can `make part of' our BEL along with the other ones. (But, sure a shootin' it'll be the one that's `missing' right when it's needed ala Edsal Murphy. {WAN GRIN!})
Halfpint, unless there is something different about the width at the point were the screw goes through the ring and slot in the base you can order the parts from just about anyone who makes Weaver style rings. If it is a matter of the rings having extra thickness at that point longer screws can be made easily. George
OK. Then I guess it then all boils down to is finding which maker of those type `releases' has both the one most suitable for what we are wanting to do *and* will sell us the parts to do it. Great! I guess it' s `off to the races' for us. Hopefully I'll be able to report on just how things work out in a fairly reasonable amount of time. {WAN GRIN!}