Quick Question


New member
I am really looking into buying a Savage Mark II. I am not looking to spend more than $225. I like the model that has the extended bolt handle for training for bigger caliber guns but i dont like the price of that model(Too Much :frown: ). So could i get a less expensive model and get an extended bolt handle for that model?
I am not sure if you can get the replacement bolt that you want. But I am sure that there is more to shooting than the size of the bolt handle. I suggest you get the less expensive model and practice the more important parts of shooting. All models have slightly different bolts anyway. You will have to get used to a different bolt with any new gun. The difference will not slow you down for more than a few shots. The basic motion is the same, your muscles will remember what to do quickly.
Concentrate on shooting fundamentals and not creating bad habits. I think any 22 makes a good trainer for that.