Quick price question for a Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III


New member
At the local gun show a vendor has a 1916 stamped Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III and wants $325 plus tax and background. It comes with the P07 Bayonet and Scabbard. The condition of the rifle is what you'd except for a rifle made in 1916 in the year 2011. It's not brand new but it has good wood and good blueing. Should I jump on it?
Well... I went again today and looked over the rifle. It's a MkIII* made by BSA in 1916. All matching numbers. Rifle doesn't have any import stamps. But I passed.....

I instead snagged a Cherry Mint Egyptian FN-49 and a US Model 1917 (Remington) withy a barrel date of 2-18. Everything on the 1917 matches except the bolt.... it has a different number stamped on the bolt handle. Pics inbound of both rifles. I paid $500 even for the FN-49 and $566.75 for the 1917.

I've wanted those two rifles for a while. The FN-49 will go nice with my Rasheed.

I know have the following US Service Rifles of the 20th Century

A Krag, a 1917, 1903, 1903A3, M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, M1A (M14 Clone), and a AR-15 (M16 Clone)
Nice collection of US rifles.
The price on the Enfield and bayonet wasn't too bad. I think you did better with the purchase of the FN49 and Model 1917. I too recently bought a FN49 and a Model 1917. The Model 1917 is very accurate and the FN49 is fun to shoot (8mm). Hope you enjoy yours.