- Quick poll - 2 quick questions


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1. Anyone think that it's just a coincidence that Clinton got the U.S. involved in Kosovo just when the heat was being turned up by the media regarding China - nuclear theft/sales - campaign contributions ...?

2. Do you see any similarities between Kosovo-China and bombing Bin Loden(sp?) 1 day before impeachment hearings were to begin?

1. Yes.. the thing in Kosovo has been developing for a long time.

2. No, see above.. besides this is NATO not US/GB.
I hadn't thought about it before, but now that you mention it? Yes I do. Sure it has been going on long before we went in. My question is this. Why did he pussyfoot around for so long before doing anything about it? Must have been waiting for the next crisis to come up.

For # 2. More "wag he Dog." If I give tge impression I don't like Slick Willie, you're right. I don't.
I figure the slickest part of Willie wound up on Monica's dress, and that he'd have to look up to see whale dung--which is at the bottom of the ocean.

That said, he has paid attention to more than his own troubles, no matter how ineptly he is "leading" NATO in Kosovo. The entire Yugoslav thing has been a problem since way before Monica et al. I don't see a WagDog timing, here...Just delusions of competency.
#1-No. Serbia/Kosovo has *something* he wants.He could have had his pick of 50 to 100 hot spots around the globe to divert the attention of the public eye.
#2 See above.

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1) As regards to China, yes I think its a coincidence....in regards to Clinton intentions, not by any means. Reasons?: legacy; empowering and advancing a powerful European socialistic authority (which in turn strengthens the UN); and a calculated drain of American military might,will and national spirit
2)He took advantage of the opportunity...never ever forget he is the consummate opportunist.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
And never forget that Clinton is the master of illusion and deceit!

I haven't heard a damn thing about the China/Clinton ties since the first bomb was dropped on Kosovo.

Coincidences in timing - maybe - but I don't think so.

#1--No way in hell. For those who doubt this, I point to the bombing of Iraq when Impeachment was beginning. The justification at the time was that Hussein was not allowing full access to his weapon sites--in other words, nothing had changed from the previous five years. Now, that COULD have been a coincidence, and so could this. But I think you know my opinion by now.

#2--Actually, I don't think the Bin Laden thing was closely related to impeachment. I think that came down to Clinton thinking that if he bombed a camp and a factory, no one would be able to prove that he hadn't "taken decisive action to react to terrorism" or something along those lines. He needed a scapegoat for the embassy bombings. If the question were about parallels with the bombings of Iraq in December, as the impeachment hearings began, my answer would be ABSOLUTELY!!!!

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