Questions the next Prez needs to answer

Jack 99

New member
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Wow, do we waste a lot of time on trivialities with these presidential candidates. What do you think about the South Carolina State flag? What do you think about John Rocker? Come on, folks. Getting right down to it there is no way that the Confederate Flag or John Rocker is going to have any meaningful affect on our lives.

If I had a few moments to quiz one of these presidential candidates I truly hope I wouldn’t waste time on Rocker and the Confederate flag. Instead --- why not explore some issues that might actually impact on my life?

Here’s just a few questions off the top of my balding head. (You go ahead and use those male hormones to grow hair if you want to.)

--What would be your moral justification for using force to compel free American citizens to participate in a disability and retirement plan which robs them of the opportunity to use this money, which they have earned, to invest for their own retirement as they see fit?

--James Madison said that, in times of peace, 95 percent of the governing should come from the State governments with only 5 percent of the governing coming from the federal level. How would you set that split, and what would you do to accomplish it?

--The 10th Amendment to our Constitution sets definite limits on the power of the federal government. How do you interpret the 10th Amendment? What do you see as the legitimate limits on federal power?

--Should an action taken by a private citizen be a crime if it does not interfere with anyone else’s right to life, liberty or property?

--Which do you think is more important, the rule of law or the wishes of the majority?

--Do you believe that the United States is a democracy? If your answer is yes, you are at odds with the people who wrote our constitution. Could you explain why you differ with our founding fathers on this

--We are rapidly approaching the point where the majority of people who are eligible to vote will have no federal income tax liability. Considering your support of the concept of majority rule, could you explain
what this might mean to the minority of Americans who will be stuck with the entire federal income tax load?

--As president, would you recognize the people of this country as individuals, or as members of some group? Which do you think is more important ... a person’s individual or group identity?

--Which document do you believe best represents the American view of freedom, our Declaration of Independence or the United Nation Declaration of Human Rights?

--Where is the constitutional justification for income redistribution?

--The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states that all human rights enjoyed by the people are null and void if the exercise of those rights conflicts with the goals of the United Nations. In light of that
provision, do you support the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights?

--The president of the National Education Association once said "when students can vote in union elections I’ll start worrying about students." Would you comment on that statement please?

Hey ... these were just off the top of my head. I’ll post a lengthy list later .... questions that will never be asked of
a presidential candidate, or a president.

You won't hear these or any other questions like this asked of any of the candidates, although I think Keyes has answered most of them on his own. Would be great to get some of the answers though.
I've got another one to add:

How do you reconcile your oath to uphold the United States Constitution which states "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" with your backing of gun control legislation which bans citizens from keeping or bearing certain types of arms.

Does "shall not be infringed" mean something different to YOU?
You've really come up with some excellent questions. I'll bet you 10 dollars that we'll never hear anything even close to these types of questions in this years election!