Questions regarding a 93 Mauser

Would a 93 Mauser be safe chambered in .225 Winchester? I have the opportunity to buy one that has been rebarreled to a .225. The action is marked Oviedo 1899- serial# says F95xx. I just want to make sure this would be safe to handle factory .225 Winchester ammo. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would pass. The .225 Winchester is a high intensity cartridge, in the 55K+ PSI pressure range; the 7x57 the Model 1893 was made for is in the 45K range. Further, the .225 is no longer cataloged so it is effectively obsolete and nearly unobtainable. I know of no current rifles made for it.

Spanish actions are notoriously soft and generally not recommended for any pressure levels over that of the original cartridge. (Yes, I know about Spanish Mausers converted to .308, and even hotter cartridges, but they don't last long before developing excess headspace problems.)

I would say -NO. The working pressure of 225 Win is beyond the normal working pressure of the 1893 action.

I do have a 243 Win on a 95 action BUT it's strictly a handloading proposition and not something I would recommend(for obvious reasons). Mine has a red stripe around the stock indicating something is non-standard and "not for factory load" use.