Questions on release triggers?


New member
If you 'pull' the trigger - ready to fire the shotgun - on an O/U shotgun - is opening the action and removing the shell (while keeping the trigger depressed) the only way to disarm / make safe the shotgun? Many years ago, a fellow showed me his'n, and that's the way it operated. Are all o/u release triggers like that? - Not looking for one - just curious - thanks in advance to all you knowledgeable people here - I'm just here - studying at the feet of the Masters.
All the OU and single barrel release triggers I ever saw were like that. If you got it set and wanted to start over, you had to hold back the trigger and reach back to the top lever with your other hand to break it open.

A Model 12 pump release trigger I saw was cleared by pushing the action latch, just like you would to open the standard gun without firing. That one had an interesting feature, it was selective pull or release, operated by what used to be the safety.