Questions on John Danforth

Ed Brunner

New member
As I dont see Janet Reno as a pinnacle of truth or objectivity, I wonder why she picked this man to investigate some of her darkest secrets.

Could it be that she has read his FBI file?

Nah...that couldnt be right!

Better days to be,

Have you always been this cynical? ;).
or has it just developed over the can we believe anyone they would appoint, that is unless they've already destroyed the documents/evidence and arent worried.
Read his FBI file? Let's see, how thick is an empty manilla folder?

Could it possibly be that she actually wanted the most honest person she could find? Someone who will have the intelligence to finally get to the bottom of the whole sordid affair? Someone with integrity who will leave no stone unturned?

Nah, that's impossible. We all know the entire world is corrupt and Jack Danforth is just one of 'them'.
Well, Former Sen Danforth is a member of the Board of Directors of DOW. Their lobbying in DC makes the NRA look like short spenders. Dow has also come under investigations into campaign contributions, enviromental violations and a few other Fed thingies. Anyhow does it really matter what he finds? After all Reno has the last say in what is released right? Or is it Clinton that has the last say? I sometimes get those 2 confused. Speaking only for myself, I am sick of Janet Reno appointies(sp), hand picked by her to lead investigations, then having to ask for her permission to investigate areas.

Course we all know that John Danforth has been a member of the Trilateral Commisson since the '70s, right?

CCW for Ohio action site.
Appears to be a real pillar of integrity.

This was the first thing I hit on:

Here is the full text:
On October 29, 1993, Sen. Danforth purchased between 100,000 and 200,000 dollars worth of stock in Bell Atlantic. This is the day after the Senate started their hearing on the anti-trust implications of the proposed Bell Atlantic/TCI merger.
Two weeks earlier (October 15, 1993), the national media ran a number of stories about Congress' growing concerns over the proposed Bell Atlantic/TCI merger. The Washington Post quoted Sen. Metzenbaum as saying he was considering legislation that would block the Bell Atlantic/TCI deal. Metzenbaum said, "They're going to be in a position to drive out other companies in the market and that's bad for consumers." Sen. Danforth, on the other hand, was quoted as saying that telephone companies SHOULD be able to enter the cable television business.

On June 14, 1993, Sen. Danforth purchased between 2,000 and 30,000 dollars worth of stock in Raytheon (i.e., Patriot Missiles).
On the same day (June 14), the House introduced H.R. 2401: DEFENSE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FY94 (Became Public Law 103-160).

During the period February 18, 1993 thru April 13, 1993, Sen. Danforth purchased between 160,000 and 450,000 dollars worth of stock in Tenneco. Tenneco own Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. which manufactures submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers, overhauls and repairs Naval vessels, refuels nuclear-powered ships, and provides navigation equipment for Naval vessels.
During these months, defense contractors were "running-scared" over President Clinton's proposed defense budget cuts. In Congress, defense "hawks" like Danforth were busy with damage control. On the industry side, Tenneco and General Dynamics started a major marketing fight over who would get additional Seawolf Attack Submarine contracts.

Between 38 to 44 percent of Sen. Danforth's Tenneco purchases were made from March 26 to April 13, 1993. It was during this period of time that Congress was debating and negotiating the EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 1993 (Became Public Law 103-24 on April 23, 1993). This bill contained appropriations for the Department of Defense.

During the period January 15, 1993 thru August 25, 1993, Sen. Danforth purchased between 37,000 and 205,000 dollars worth of stock in Texaco. During these months, particularly in the beginning of the year, Congress was wrestling with President Clinton's proposed BTU energy tax. Of course, firms like Texaco would be opposed to any such energy tax.
On April 2, 1993, Sen. Danforth introduced S. 769: AVIATION FUEL TAX INCREASE PROHIBITION ACT (Referred to Senate Finance, Pending).

Interestingly, but not surprising, Texaco manufactures AVIATION FUEL!

Between 71 to 89 percent of Sen. Danforth's Texaco purchases were made AFTER he introduced S. 769.

During the period January 15, 1993 thru February 2, 1993, Sen. Danforth purchased between 4,000 and 60,000 dollars worth of stock in Philip Morris.
Sen. Danforth sold between 30,000 and 100,000 dollars worth of Philip Morris on April 2, 1993. On the same day, Frank Lautenberg (NJ) added himself as a cosponsor to S. 513: TOBACCO CONSUMPTION REDUCTION AND HEALTH IMPROVEMENT ACT (Referred Senate Finance, Pending). This bill sought to impose additional excise taxes on tobacco products.

PAC NOTES: Sen. Danforth has received PAC contributions from Tenneco ($7,000); Philip Morris ($1,000); Bell Atlantic ($2,000).

Notes: Sen. Danforth was # 4 on the Senate Finance Committee; # 3 on the Senate Intelligence Committee; # 2 on the Senate National Ocean Policy Study Subcommittee.

On December 11, 1991, Sen. Danforth purchased between 100,000 and 250,000 dollars worth of stock in Sun Microsystems. According to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Sun Microsystems provides battlefield computer technology and semiconductors used in missile and radar systems. Sun also developed the 3-D computer imaging system used by pilots during the Gulf War.

In twenty days, the value of Sen. Danforth's stock appreciated 15 percent.

Quick reading about Mother Jones Magazine leads me to believe it tilts to the left.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>About Mother Jones Mother Jones magazine was named after Mary Harris Jones (1830-1930), a pioneer labor organizer known for her feisty spirit and devotion to the labor movement. The magazine was launched in 1976, with the purpose of reaching a significantly larger audience than that reached by existing progressive journals.

Mother Jones is a magazine of investigation and ideas for independent thinkers. Provocative and unexpected articles inform readers and inspire action toward positive social change. Colorful and personal, Mother Jones challenges conventional wisdom, exposes abuses of power, helps redefine stubborn problems and offers fresh solutions.[/quote]

I'm real optimistic.
One need only look at the evidence presented on the documentary video called, "WACO, Rules of Engagement" to see that no "independent" investigation is necessary. Take a split screen showing Reno then and Reno now. Back then she said she was FULLY informed, and now she say she WASN'T informed! Gawd the hypocrisy, the lies, the cover-up...just spill from the bowls of Washington D.C. Then show the infrared video lead of the tanks popping holes into the compound, dispersing their CS gas, and backed up by Delta force soldiers firing fully automatic weapons into the compound, with no return fire from the American citizens inside. Read the 4th amendment, posse comitatus, and look at that raid. Heads should roll on this one.

To have an independent investigation be truly "independent", one only need to look for an investigator who hasn't been a Washington insider. Danforth is a traitor. He will most certainly protect the government's behind.
geneb - I am not going to an apologist for John Danforth. But, I have to ask if you think the article contained any facts pertaining to his legislative actions being affected by his investments.

One thing most good investors know is to invest in the areas you know about. He knows about defense. This is not insider trading by any stretch of the imagination. Don't you find it strange that the article gave such a wide range of investments for each company? If they had a good information source, why couldn't they pinpoint it? Perhaps the investments were through mutual funds and not direct investments. Most likely his investments are decided on and executed by an accountant or broker.

Mother Jones Magazine tilts to the left? Mother Jones Magazine and the Foundation for National Progress define the left!
Maybe Reno should have picked a committee of TFL members to conduct the investigation. I'm sure we could be completely objective. We're certainly over qualified.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I'll tell you why I'm cynical. I was almost five years before my father told me there was cellophane on lollypops.

I dont know anything pro or con on Danforth, but if she is dirty why would she appoint someone honest, objective not indebted.

On the idea of appointing someone from TFL... I nominate DC. I know she could handle it. Sure, there's an FBI file on her,but she is proud of all that! ;)

Better days to be,

I look at this from a different, simpler angle.

They are setting this dude up like Kenneth Starr was. Choose a supposedly "good' guy to investigate wrong-doing by this administration and then destroy his reputation when he starts to get close to something. This gives fodder to the Clinton apologists who jam the media with attacks on Danforth and his investigation. This in turn draws attention away from the real issue. (Waco) It then degenerates into a supposed partisan mess. Sound familiar? It's called muddying the waters and the Libs are great at it .

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
By God, Contender, you may be right. Nothing goes on inside the beltway that hasn't been thrashed about, up one side and down the other. He may be set up to be a patsy. I hope not, but I guess we'll know shortly.

(shortly - adv., A short length of time, in congressional terms can be a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 7 years)
My prediction.... Reno comes out clean, few in the FBI made honest mistakes, the davidians were the devil incarnate. This is after the danforth investigation... I will bet hard cash on the above outcome. It's not the truth, just the outcome. The public at large already think the FBI really didn't do anything wrong, maybe made a couple mistakes, but if the davidians were not such bad people it would have never happened.
Mal H,

You pose a fair question. I went back (albeit to the same site) to try to find an explanation for the broad range of the trade amounts. The information on Danforth was part of a study by Gregory Boller, a professor of marketing at the University of Memphis. Here is the study

The Mother Jones info contained a random sampling House and Senate members. Danforth was just in the mix; it wasn’t a hit piece on him, more like “the best Congress money can buy.” Like everything read on the Internet (or anywhere), take it in the context presented. That’s why I included the source and my opinion on their leaning. I had never heard of Mother Jones before.

I believe that where there’s smoke there’s fire. That’s why I read the Drudge Report. Not everything proves to be true, but the story usually starts with someone talking and it making it to someone with the ability to publish it. I posted it because it contained information that someone with more research ability, knowledge of the SEC and insider trading, or more knowledge of political ethics could comment on. You’ve weighed in that you don’t think it amounts to insider trading. I’ll take the opposing view.

I take a dim view of the possibility of financial and ethical problems in the investigator combined with the history of money being thrown around to shut people up, sweep things under the rug and generally make the democrat/clinton problems go away. I guess I’m getting disillusioned. I don’t think you can find anyone that will get to the bottom of this and will be surprised if anything comes of the investigation.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
Good and fair post, geneb. Actually, we are more in agreement than disagreement. My pet peeve is news or internet reports that, on the surface, sound plausible but have no basis in fact whatsoever. I agree that any conflicts a prosecutor has with the investigation, finanacial or otherwise, make that prosecutor the wrong person for that investigation.

Insider trading, as I understand it, is when a company executive trades in securities of their own company based on inside information (upcoming merger, quarterly loss, etc.). The SEC has ruled that these trades themselves are not illegal, but they must be disclosed. It is the non-disclosure that is illegal. That is why Danforth's stock purchases aren't insider trading, he isn't an executive of the company, and even if he was, his trades were disclosed.

BTW, I liked that oxymoron you used - "political ethics". :)
The thing about the Danforth investigation is he's not going to be investigating what needs to really be investigated. Why was the raid made? Who made the decision? And who, if anybody, was in charge? Name names, dates etc. not agencies or titles.
Danforth is like Starr. Both are insiders who will not get to the bottom of things. Danforth is CFR(Council of Foreign Relations) and i will also bet Johnny will come out smelling like a rose and the Branch Dividians as something between the Devil and the KKK. CFR members hold the big jobs in the US government and in the private sector also. I dont trust any member of the CFR which has been the policy maker of our nation for decades. Danforths opponent awhile back for the Senate was a man named Litton(sp). He was a squeaky clean Democrat that would have cleaned Danworths clock in the election. Before the election, he and his family was killed in a plane accident as it was taking off. Remind sme of Senator Heinz of Penna. who was killed in a plane crash also. He was a good Senator and look what Penna. is stuck with. Is all this coincidence? That post on Danforths dealings is very interesting. What a joke it all is.