Questions in regards to AK receivers, parts kits and others.


New member
Okay, so I'm doing research on what would be necessary to SBR an AK using either a Yugo M92 parts kit or a Bulgarian parts kit.

The question I have is this. Is it possible just to buy the reciever and the necessary parts to complete the rifle without having to purchase a complete rifle and then cannibalizing it.

Like an AR15, perhaps buying what I can relate to as "The lower reciever" and a barrel.

Would it be cheaper/possible to do it this way? If so, what kind of receiver would I want to consider? I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to AK' and the manufacturers of the various recievers. I do know that milled ones are more expensive compared to stamped, NODAK SPUD (sp) is a name that crosses my screen and is spouted on videos more often than others, should I look for something manufactured by them?

There are further hoops that I know I'll have to jump through in order to build this rifle (whenever that may be so long as the laws allow it, you never know what will happen with the current administration)

As I understand it, you must have completed a From 1(?) which is legal documentation and registration of the "serially controlled" reciever stating that is now a "Short Barreled Rifle", pay a $200 tax stamp and have the form signed by your local law enforcements chief stating that you are allowed to have such a firearm.

I was told that another route may be taken to make it so that I won't run into any legality issues if I were to have my friends fire this rifle which was to place the rifle under a "gun trust" (Something along the lines that it could technically be considered an illegal transfer if not done properly)

Any information regarding this would be appreciated as well as any clarifications on things that I may have overlooked or may have misinterpreted.

This probably belongs in the NFA forum.

The receiver is what will need to be registered if you want to build an SBR. And you'll need that Form 1 stamped and returned to you before you can assemble the gun.

You can do a trust if you want. It's a preferred method for NFA nowadays, as it allows you to set other primary owners of the gun, and who it would be given to, should something happen to you.

But adding friends to a trust is not a good idea, IMO. That makes them equal owners of the gun. If it's just you on the trust, they can still shoot it, as long as you are there. Personally, I wouldn't hand an NFA device over to a friend for them to go shoot without me accompanying them, anyways. It's an investment, do you want to leave it to someone else's discretion?
Ah appologies, I wasn't quite sure where to put this, either here or in the NFA sub forums.

In regards to the "adding friends to the trust" I'd never lend such a firearm to even my most trusted friends, too much crap could go on that could land me and him/her into a lot of hot water.

But I was under the impression that they simply couldn't use the rifle, period, if they were not under a "trust".

To me it seemed a little ridiculous that I wouldn't be able to let my buddy "joe/jane" fire a rifle that I have registered simply because his/her name was not written down on some paper.

So, as long as I'm present with the user I anyone can use the rifle so long as I have the paperwork proving it's a registered NFA firearm correct?