Questions for Type 7 SOTs.


New member
Thanks for looking.

I am currently a type 01 FFL, and I have been considering getting my tax stamp, for a number of reasons, including SBR creation, Suppressor production/building, etc.

Can any of you offer a bit of advice or help?

Specifically, is there a good resource which spells out what you need to do, in the process of obtaining, using, forms, building and such.

I have no one nearby that can offer live help, Western Pa is pretty free from this type of service, and I would like some assistance, advice, help, how to's, etc.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Start by downloading the NFA Handbook and reading it. Questions specific to your location can be answered by contacting your IOI contact with the BAFTE. That person would be the final say so in the field changing your license type and inspecting your manuf. facility.

You can not do what you describe with your current FFL-01 that is a dealers license you can not manuf. anything.

You would first have to change your FFL to a type 07 manuf. license then pay the SOT yearly to be able to manuf. NFA firearms on tome of title one firearms.
The 07 yearly fees make sure you are not doing it to support your own habit unless you are very rich!