Questions for NRA members


New member
I am considering joining, but would like some questions answered by members. I do NOT need to hear that they compromise too much, etc.

1) Will they send me letters begging for money? Can I opt out of fund raising appeals?

2) Will they give my address to ANY other group?

3) Has anyone seen the breakdown of their budget, ie, how much they spend for lobbying, how much for fund raising, expenses, ect?

Thank you.
1. Yes, they will send you many letters begging for money. Solution: If you don't have money to spend at the time, walk to the circular file; deposit said offending letter. I think it absurd to let this be a reason not to join (unless you're a tree-hugger and can't stand the thought of trees dying to dunn you for support -not knocking tree-huggers, just stating facts). Pay what you feel is right - no more or less.

2. Budget: I don't know, but I too would like to see the breakdown, though I do know three things here (a) the folks at NRA are EXPERTS at preserving gun rights. They have been doing this for years and years and I personally more or less trust them to know the best use of my money (with a few minor reservations); if I didn't I'd start my own group; (b) make no mistake: NRA, though having many and varied activities, is of singular purpose: to preserve Americans' gun rights - they are sincere and focused on the right questions - results (i.e. fewer restrictions not more on gun rights/ownership); (c) their leadership/authority follows strict procedurers for the decision-making process,with the board of directors' elections, etc., which (in theory at least) ensures a fair process with the decisions representative of the majority/prevailing views - most important of course in the budget, much like a legislature.

As for you giving out your address, I have no clue.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 06, 1999).]
I have been an NRA Life Member since 1969 and proud to say so.

They are the only organization that has done so much for the preservation of private ownership of firearms.

Along with, numerous programs of firearm safety and training for civilian gun owners as well as law enforcement people.

And this is in and during a time when some LE people attack the NRA and accuse them of misleading the general population of the United States into believing the NRA in some way is responsible for every fanatic that uses a firearm improperly.

Yes, they seem to be always asking for money. I at times wonder just where the money goes but I'm sure there is an accounting of it. The war aginst those who would take your freedoms away in regard to firearm ownership is a costly one I'm sure.

If you don't seem to have the bucks when they ask, just don't give.

I have never found that my name was given out as part of a mailing list from the NRA to any other organization.

If you are a firearms owner, you should belong to the NRA. Don't let them fight the fight for your rights as a firearm owner all by themselves.

Just my opinion as an NRA member.


"New Jersey... The First Communist State in The Union"

[This message has been edited by JMC (edited August 06, 1999).]
1) yes but I bekeive you can ask to be taken off the list.

2)I don't think so.

3) probably can write the NRA and find out.

4) !!! Join!! If you own guns and are not member, you are letting others carry you!
The above replies are all right on target. There is nothing else you can do for the benefit of preserving your own rights which is as effective as joining.
One thing the NRA does, that people may not be aware of, is fund scholarly research on the 2nd amendment, and other firearms topics. These articles pass peer review and are published in legal journals.
yes, they will ask for money. why not? doing what they do costs money. the other side has lots and lots of money and makes no bones about what they want to accomplish.
if you can't afford to give anything except the yearly dues, well you are still welcome.
i would be in the nra even if i didn't own a gun just because it pisses off the establishment.
nra is one of the few things in this country that is trying to keep this country free!
Handgun Control has a few very rich sponsors who contribute millions in an effort to disarm us unwashed types. The NRA has a lot of members who contribute smaller sums to keep from being overrun by the elitist snobs.

I belong to the NRA and would strongly suggest that you join. Do I disagree with their tactics and methods at times? Absolutely! They will send you a renewal notice at least once a month, which seems like a terrible waste of resources to me but as you can tell from the press, they are the only serious competition to the anti's. I noticed that the last renewal form is asking for addittional $ to be used for TV, radio and newspaper ads. I think that's great and may contribute a little more for that, but feel that they are starting about ten years too late. I don't know if they sell the member list or not, if they do I would be suprised and disappointed.
1) Yes and maybe

2) Probably

3) No

Interesting questions. I've been a life member for several years and have never given any of your questions a second thought. I truly think a membership is the best firearms investment you can make. Joe

And while you're writing that check out to NRA, write another one for Gun Owners of America ( and JPFO.

Quit thinking about trivial matters. If you aren't supporting the pro-gun cause, you might as well be anti-gun.

Join us BTR, we need you in this fight with us.

As far as them asking for money, once a month or so I send a check to the ILA. Every little bit helps. You don't have to break your bank.

And above all, stay involved, it will be YOUR organization.

FYI to everybody, The NRA-ILA has revamped their website. The regular E-mail address is

BTR, write them about any questions you have.

This is a regular e-mail form.
Ditto on GOA. They do good work with the legislative BS alerts. Everyone needs to send them at least $20.00 a year, or more if you can afford it. Then get on their email alert list. Post if you don't know how.
I recently renewed my NRA membership, so I think you should join too. They have their shortcomings, but these problems do not outweigh the good work they do to preserve the right to bear arms.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
If you say you are serious about stopping the anti-gun agenda but you are not a member of the NRA, you are not pulling your own weight. If you are a gunowner and not a member of the NRA you are helping the other side. I know all the arguments over the NRA - and I am aware of all the other groups out there who claim to be "more relevant". While it is true there are more aggressive groups; and while it is true the NRA ain't perfect; it is also true there is no group around with the Congressional clout of the NRA.

I do not care to argue the fine details with anyone. I am not saying everything the NRA does is right, correct or even to my liking. I am saying that there is no other group with the numbers. And that folks, makes a difference. "Your" particular gun-rights group may be the most "correct" on every point. But if you can't get an audience it doesn't make any difference. What we are dealing with is perceptions, not reality. In the political world perception IS reality.

We need the NRA to be 30 million strong. If we had just 10 million members Congress would not stick us in the eye any time they felt like it. And with more members who think alike the Leadership of the NRA will be more responsive to the Members.

So if you are serious about stopping the anti-gun agenda, quit fighting with them by opposing the NRA and get on board. It doesn't cost any more than a couple cases of beer and it is a whole lot more helpful. While you are at, if you consider yourself pro-gun, sign up some family members and friends.

And...sign them up to GOA, JPFO, SAF as well as local and state groups. You are investing in the future.

Order the very moving video "Banned" from the NRA and show it to your friends. (8 dollars post paid) It chronicals how the Aussies and the Brits lost their firearms to the chop saw, scrap heap, and the blast furnace.

Your questions are valid, but nothing should keep you from spending the relatively small amount of money it would take to become a life member.


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