Questions for Missouri / St. Louis area People?


I have had a shotgun for many years and just recently got a handgun a few months back when Missouri got rid of the "Permit to Acquire". I bought both of these at gun shops, but something I saw last night makes me wonder if I missed something.

I was watching the news last night (KSDK in St. Louis) and a pizza delivery guy got jumped and shot one of the muggers. The news guy said "he did have a county gun permit" but cops were "not yet sure if he had a concealed carry permit". I don't have any sort of permit and did not know I needed one. Was the news guy wrong or am I?

I have two more questions.

I was thinking of selling my revolver to a neighbor and buying a different one. What sort of paperwork or registration is necessary for that (he is old enough to buy it and is a good guy)?

I just came across this site and it seems really great. But is there another one out there that has more "local" information? I want to know what ranges are good, shops to go to and that kind of thing.

Thank you guys!
News guy was apparently wrong in this case. You don't need a permit to buy a handgun anymore in MO. It's not uncommon for journalists to get confused about the gun laws. There are too many gun laws and often they conflict. What they might have done is looked through the old records at the Sheriff's Dept and found his old Permit To Acquire (PTA) form for this handgun.

Missouri still treats your private property as private property (for now). You are not allowed to sell to a person you know is prohibited from owning a gun. As long as you don't knowingly sell your gun to a prohibited person no paperwork is required. A bill of sale isn't a bad idea though to CYA.

Missouri Carry Website forum
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