Questions for a fairly new shooter...


New member
I'm still learning about proper shooting habits, and while I'm not exactly a novice, I'm not very well versed in shooting and proper posture and such either.

I've searched around here on the forums a little and while I did learn a few things, I still have questions left in answered.

I'll be practicing with a 16" AR15 flat top receiver with flip up sites, chambered in .223/5.56mm

Posture seems to one of the biggest factors when it comes to shooting, and I usually try to keep my feet spread and squared off with my shoulders while leaning into my rifle, keeping my firing arm tucked close to my body.

Lately I've been trying to practice firing between the intervals of my breathing. I am not doing this for home defense at the moment, nor am I a law enforcement officer or anything of the sort. I simply want to become a better shooter and try to prevent developing bad shooting habits from the start.

Might any of you have suggestions regarding proper shooting techniques? Or perhaps videos or other websites that elaborate a little bit beyond the beginner phases of learning to shoot?
Ya know, every now and then a persons motor skill is different from others but the result will be the same I would if I were you go to u-tube and look for jerry mucileck with his ar his style is different than the average. It would be worth a look.... He is one of the greats in the shooting world.
Hi. There an Appleseed shoot near you? Improving marksmanship is exactly what it's about.
"...jerry mucileck..." Miculeck. Class act, so he is. Buddy of mine beat him in a 'man-on-man' at Second Chance long ago. Jerry had his hand out in congratulations before my buddy realized he had won.
You don't need to keep your firing arm tucked in. I think there are videos on youtube of military training on how to hold and shoot a rifle. Check it out.
One excellent source of info for learning the basics is the USMC manual on marksmanship
Midway-USA had them for sale for about $8 a while back Check their web site
I would recommend a CMP GSM or Sporting Rifle Clinics. Since people fail to put their location in their profile its hard to find one close to you.

If you are looking for Books or DVDs, there are none better or cheaper then those put out by the Army Marksmanship Unit and Civilian Marksmanship Unit. They are sold at cost, normally about $6.95 each. Here is a link to their bookstore.

If you want to stick to the ARs then the Service Rifle Guide is the way to go.

If you want to really refine your fundamentals and positions, to include mental prep (shooting is 90%+ Mental) then there is nothing better then the International Rifle Guide.

As you progress and want to refine your AR shooting, look at the CMP Desinated Marksman DVD. If you want more "tactical" (I hate that term) or competition shooting as in 3 gun or multi gun matches check out their Close Quarter Marksmanship DVD. Again, all can be had for $6.95.

The Army Marksmanship Unit and the Civilian Marksmanship Program are designed to increase the marksmanship abilities of the American Citizen. The cost are funded and kept low by sales of CMP Surplus Arms, ammunition and other equipment.

The CMP also has a cadre of Master INstructors through out the country that put on clinics for little or no cost. These clinics are listed on the CMP website (might have to wait until the weather warms up before more are posted).

The information is out there, its up to the individual to reach out and grab it.
It depends on how you want to shoot.

Tactical style shooters tend to be square to the target (since those who wear armor want it between them and the target).
Those who want pure accuracy often blade to the target and try to use more of their body structure for stabilization.
3-gunners will mix and match quite frequently.
As raimus and kraigwy pointed out, there are two schools of thought in rifle marksmanship. The Appleseed/Service Rifle/CMP style of training is excellent for target shooting and establishing the fundamentals of marksmanship. For more dynamic shooting (closer ranges, you or target moving, around obstacles, etc.), the rifle is shot more like a submachinegun using a squared off stance.

The big advantage of the first style is that it relies on body position and bone structure to point the rifle, so it is more precise, more consistent, and can be held comfortably for long periods of time. The downside is that it takes longer to get into position and the shooter is essentially static.

The second style is very good if you have to move while shooting or take a quick shot at a fleeting target; but it relies a lot on muscling the rifle around, so it is less precise, less consistent, and difficult to maintain over long periods of time.

One important factor that carries over from both styles is a consistent trigger pull that doesn't cause you to move the sights.