questions about transfering firearms


New member
Ok, so my father owns a .22 Nylon 66 and 12 gauge shotgun (if I remember correctly) however, it is currently at my uncles house in Chicago Illinois. My question is, can he have them transferred to an FFL registered range or gun shop.

The biggest problem is that he does not know if he would have to physically drive all the way up to chicago in order to get his rifle and shotgun, or if it is legal for him to have it transferred.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think my uncle may have an FFL himself since he served on the Chicago SWAT team and was the Range master of the Chicago police before he retired.

Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.
I doubt that being a member of SWAT or a range master would qualify him for an FFL (unless he has a C&R FFL). You have to be in the business of actively selling or transferring firearms for profit to qualify for one I believe. I may be wrong.

Many FFL's will only accept packages from other FFL's. Something to keep in mind when calculating the costs.

Not sure about the other parts of your question.
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Where do you live, instate transfers usually have much different rules from state to state transfers.

Assuming, from the phrase "all the way to Chicago" it is out of state, your Uncle can ship them to a FFL in your state for the transfer. Depending on the FFL they may wish to have them shipped from another FFL or they may accept private party shipments. Since both are long-guns they can be shipped via US mail or Fedex, UPS etc. just make sure they are unloaded. This assumes you can take possession of the guns under your states laws.
Really depends on what state you live in. My family and I have swapped, traded, inherited guns amongst ourselves for years. We don't ask, we don't tell. Of course, there are no registration requirements where we live. It also depends on the age of the gun. If someone gives you a brand new gun it's going to look worse than if if you were given something 30 years old.

Some on here might say I'm advocating breaking the law. I just don't agree with laws that say how I can and can't dispose of my property.