Questions About Nevada Gun Laws


I may be visiting Nevada soon and had some questions about possibly buying a
used .357 or .38 special there. Is there a waiting period? Would it require any
special license or permit or test?

Where should I look for good quality at best price? Gun shop? Pawn shop?
Private party?

Any recommendations for specific places to buy a used pistol (Ruger or S&W) and
ammo in Reno, Nevada in particular?

Daniel 3
I just moved to Nevada. There is no waiting period but you do have to go through a background check unless you are a CCW. This may all be moot though as I understand that only a state resident may buy a handgun in that state. I couldn't buy one in Utah because of that. I heard a rumor that you could, if you bought in a contiguous state, but my experience has been to the contrary.

I've been in and through Reno a number of times.

As a Californian resident, I cannot buy a firearm there....well, actually I can, but they have to ship to an FFL in California and I have to pay shipping and other charges on top of it. Sigh....nickle and dimed all over the place. Since I do not know where you are from, I have no idea if this applies to you.

I no longer gamble more than $20.00 a day in Nevada, often not at all, but others find the lure hard to resist. Though some feel pawnshops are enabling people to further their own downfall, I don't see it as such. So if you have a fair amount of firearm experience, I recommend going to a pawnshop.

I'm a curious person and I've been in pawnshops to see what was there, and I've been mildly shocked at the bargains I've seen. And more than one rip-off waiting to happen. Caveat emptor.

On the other hand, the Yellow Pages has a fair number of gun shops listed, but there is one in Sparkes I like the best....can't recall the name at this time however.

Good luck.

from the dark recesses of an aging brain that gathered the info. long ago on rec.guns:

Las Vegas requires some sort of permitting for at least handguns.

The town (can't remember the name for the life of me) right after you cross the dam has at least handguns verbotten.

Rest of the state is cool to private purchase. Of course you have to be a resident and legally permitted to own firearms. But unless you have a terrible accent or show up dressed as a Hell's Angel, that shouldn't be a problem.

Sorry can't remember carry laws.


Breaking laws will get you in trouble if caught.
Federal law says you can only buy a handgun in the state of your residence. Some firearms dealers here in Reno will be happy to ship the handgun to a FFL in your state. In particular, the Gun Trader on Plumb Lane in Reno does it often. Of course, back in your home state, you must observe all laws, background checks, and waiting periods before picking up your gun.

P.S. While in Nevada, please be sure to drop at least $100 in a slot machine--helps keep are taxes low.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited September 11, 1999).]