Questions about a M70 stock?


New member
So I was on the other night which is almost always a bad thing. I was looking for a M70 stock to dress up my .375 Ruger I built on a push feed 7mm Mag XTR years ago. The main reason I am looking for a stock is my rifle had a wide target forend on it.

I tried reshaping the stock, and while I didn't ruin it I made it hard to grip during recoil. I made the sides a little to flat and verticle, after trying to quickly remove material on a bench mounted sander. Sometimes we learn things the hard way in an attempt to save money.

I came across a factory unfinished M70 Supergrade Safari stock with less than an hour on the auction. I threw up a bid and then drove to work. I got the notification I won the stock the next morning after getting off work and turning my phone back on.

So I pay for the stock and look at the pictures as I have more time. The grain through the wrist area of the stock was something I had missed. I'm by no means an expert on stocks, but I seem to remember wanting straight grain through the grip and wrist area.

So I'm wondering if I should be concerned about this stock on my .375 Ruger? If so would having a pin installed in that area be a good idea? I'm going to have a professional do the work this time.




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Pretty stock.

Get two friends.

One to stand on the X and the other on the Y axis. They watch from afar to alert you if you're drifting to far left/right or front/back.

Drill it from the butt (solder a drill bit onto a steel rod of the same diameter). Then insert your dowel rod and glue it.
4V50 Gary said:
Pretty stock
Yes, it caught my eye like a green eyed redhead! I didn't stop to think until I had already won the bid. I'll have someone skilled put this on my rifle.

I'll also need to have a barrel band and better sights installed on the rifle.
Put two pieces of painter's tape on the stock. The one on the side should indicate where you want the hole and the other for the centerline of the stock. It'll help your assistants to keep you level.

The centerline may be a bit tricky as it can be offset just a bit so the user doesn't have to crank the neck down to see the sights.