Question.......Wounded Warrior Hunt???


New member
Anyone have any experence with sponsoring/running/assisting one of these?

Contemplating a spring turkey hunt on our place but don't want to offer to do something and have it turn out to be a bust for the WWs who attend so need to be SURE we know we can do it so they will enjoy it.

Help me out here..............
NE FL, Putnam County.

Actually just came back from the woods..........WET.......and the bad that a couple of the guys in the club I met were wearing double bug suits, even with it 90 degrees!!
bswiv, i am in the panhandle amongst a ton of military installations... My dad has conections with a group that helps Ranger families... I can have him inquire about wounded returning current vets if you wish...

I'd like to know what he says about the organization if he and his friends have some experence. I know that what happens on your side of the state will not be the same as here but would still be helpful.

Thought process is that we've got the space, the birds and a few guys in the lease such that we ought to be able to host 5-7, maybe more?....WWs on a weekend in the spring.

What would be bad though is for us to do a bad job of it and the WWs to not have a good experence. And sense we don't really know what we are doing as far as organizing this sort of thing we want to be sure that the WW organization can/will/has as part of their mission the ability to guide/help us sufficently to have it turn out well......

HD.....send me a pm with what you find out.

Thank you.........Ben.
I was going to sponser a wounded warrior deer hunt but my insurance man said "NO". Too much liability and I didn't have suitable accessibility. I tried to set up something with WWIAF and apparently none of their clients were interested.
My specialty is assisting blind hunters, BTW. If someone has a blinded veteran who would like to hunt, maybe I can help. I can even travel within reason to provide equipment and guide/assistant services.