question regarding red dot adjustment (strikefire content)


New member
so, just got a Strikefire to put on my m4 middy...however now that its mounted I can't see the dot moving any even after adjustments are made. I'm tryiong to center it over my front post. perhaps I'm an idiot, and I need to be sighted in on something 25 yards+ out to see it move rather than a bedroom wall?
Would recommend sighting it on a target, or at the very least a boresighting laser.

Red dots move with your head, so if you aren't getting an exact cheekweld every time, the dot will be in different places relative to the scope body.
I have a Strikefire on a M&P15. First time mounting it, I did the same thing. I was looking through it while making the adjustment. I have it cowitness with my iron sights. Yes I was able to see the dot move but it was a lot of adjustment. I did go out to the range and zero at 50 yards. I was already on paper and only took a few more adjustments to be right on. Only thing I don't like about it is the mount. If you ever have to take it off, when you put it back on you have to mess with zero again. Otherwise its a good red dot scope for the price.
A problem I've found with cheap red dot sights is that on several I've used, the arrows on the adjustments are backwards. Turn the knobs opposite of the way the arrows point, but do it with a laser bore-sighter or by looking through the bore, at a target if you can.

I like to clamp the rifle in a vise and turn the screws to position the laser dot where I think it should be for the distance to be sighted in. Then, it's necessary to make adjustments based on actual shooting at a target.

If you're at the range and no vise is available, try this: There are no click adjustments, but if you hold the rifle down sandbags, pointing at the center of the target, have somone turn one screw to move the crosshair to the center of group you just shot. Then, without moving the rifle do the other screw. Pay attention to the direction the crosshairs move to see if the markings on the dials are correct or not.

Good luck. Once the sight is adjusted, you'll love it!