Question Regarding Record Expungment and Class 3 Weapons


Quick question for some of you.

Here's my situation. I was convicted of a felony about 6 yrs ago in another state, we won't get into detials of what it was or the story behind it other than the Judge exnorated me the first time around. second time around they were able to charge me with a new felony, and there was a 50/50 chance it would stick if i went to trial,

so me and my lawyer took a deal, felony conviction, 5 yrs probabtion, and upon completion of probabtion the judge would consider our peition to reduce it to a misdemeanor and have it expunged.

those 5 years have since passed now, and the judge reduced my felony to a misdemeanor, and then had it expunged from my record. I have since been restored my rights to own firearms. and even have my concealed weapons permit.

I live in a Machine gun friendly state now and want to buy me my first Machine gun and suppresor. so my question is, will BATF allow me to own a machine gun and supressor? just cause my record is expunged doesn't mean it won't show up in the FBI database. in fact I know they will see it, but will it prevent me from legally owning one?
