Question regarding knives

Far as I know you cannot get a permit to carry a fixed blade knife... Here you can only carry one during hunting seasons..and they will usually ask to see your hunting license for that year.
It looks like there are probably more wrinkles to this. First, certainly a knife is without question a dangerous weapon for the purposes of the law. Second it would be unlawful to possess a knife, "...for the purpose of being used unlawfully as a weapon against another...."

One open question is whether there's any Minnesota case law (or other statutes) discussing the bases and standards for inferring intent. This could turn into an extensive research project.
I think this may require looking at some case law for your state. Sometimes case law establishes standards for what differentiates knives as "dangerous weapons" vs something else. For example, in Florida, folders under 4in. are not considered weapons, for the purpose of carry laws.
DiscoRacing said:
Far as I know you cannot get a permit to carry a fixed blade knife... Here you can only carry one during hunting seasons..and they will usually ask to see your hunting license for that year.
Be careful about generalizing, or assuming that the law is the same in other states as it is in yours.

For example, my home state's carry permit is only for firearms. My Florida non-resident permit is a concealed "weapons" permit, and it allows the carrying of knives as well as firearms.
Where do you live in Minnesota, the regulations for Brainerd probably won't be the same for St. Paul or Morris. (Family in all 3 places and I prefer Morris and Brainerd). Your local county clerk should have a copy of the laws or the sheriff's dept.
For my state, Arkansas, the law is ridiculous.
I'm unfamiliar with Arkansas' knife laws, but would not be surprised, since this is the case in many other states.

I have violated thousands of times.
It's probably not a good idea to make such a statement in a public forum.