Question re: 14.5 AR Barrel in California


Okay, so I will apologize in advance. I probably could have put this in the "NFA Guns & Gear" section, but its reguarding a rifle platform so I just thought I'd find a deeper knowledge pool here in "The Art of the Rifle."

My question is in reguards to NFA regulations on barrel lengths. For example, If you order a barrel online at Bravo Company USA, anything that is 14.5 and shorter says "NFA" next to it. I assume that this means it is restriced in some way or you need a special permit to have it in some states. I am in California so, I generally assume that this state would definatly enforce such said "Short Barreled Rifle" regulations because hey, lets face it... this is California. Does anybody have some insight for me on NFA regulations? I want a 14.5 barrel, but I dont want to go to the State Pen just for being a gun nut. Thanks for your time Gents.

~ TriggerJunky
To legally put a 14.5" barrel on your AR-15, you need to register it as a Short Barreled Rifle with the BATFEIEIO. This will cost $200 and require some paperwork, fingerprints, and a sign-off by your local CLEO.

I am not sure that California allows ownership of SBR's other than C&R.

Purchase of the barrel itself is not regulated, however ownership of the barrel and a non-papered AR could, if they were in a cranky enough mood, be construed by the feds as being in "constructive possession" of an unregistered SBR, which is a federal felony.
I would start looking at this site for more information on your question.


Looking at this part:

"In short, Californians can legally possess any AOW, except a pen
gun, as long as it is possessed in compliance with federal law, and
as long as it isn't classified as an assault weapon (SB 23 treats
some semiauto pistols with dual pistol grips, AOWs under federal
law, as prohibited assault weapons). Likewise they can possess any
C&R listed short rifle or short shotgun."

It looks like you may be out of luck since I doubt an AR15 is on the C&R list in California.

First of all, You donot have the freedoms of americans so check with your oppresive government.
If you lived in a free state you could have a 14.5" only with a pernamently attached flash suppessor or comp.
The other way is the 200 tax stamp.
200 is a lot to pay for 1.5" less barrel.
First of all, You donot have the freedoms of americans so check with your oppresive government.
If you lived in a free state you could have a 14.5" only with a pernamently attached flash suppessor or comp.
The other way is the 200 tax stamp.
200 is a lot to pay for 1.5" less barrel.

I wish I lived back home in good old South Dakota where I had sawn off shot guns and silencers for my pistols and nobody blinked an eye at me, but alas, I joined the Military and this is the ****-hole I was stationed in. I dont have a choice, but I'm gonna get away with as much as I possibly can given the laws and their inherent loopholes.

I have heard that if the short upper is not mated to a lower then it is exempt from the SBR law. Same concept as you can order a fully auto Sere without a Class 3 FFL as long as you dont put it in your lower until you get the Class 3... Loopholes, loopholes... I love loopholes, & I'm lookin for one here.
First of all, You donot have the freedoms of americans so check with your oppresive government.
If you lived in a free state you could have a 14.5" only with a pernamently attached flash suppessor or comp.
The other way is the 200 tax stamp.
200 is a lot to pay for 1.5" less barrel.

^^^Like what was said could buy a 14.5" bbl and have the flash hider or brake "pinned" on. But the muzzle device would have to be atleast a 1.5" in length to make it legal.
I have heard that if the short upper is not mated to a lower then it is exempt from the SBR law. Same concept as you can order a fully auto Sere without a Class 3 FFL as long as you dont put it in your lower until you get the Class 3... Loopholes, loopholes... I love loopholes, & I'm lookin for one here.
Play with that one too long and you will find out what "constructive possession" means.
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Trigger Junky said:
I have heard that if the short upper is not mated to a lower then it is exempt from the SBR law. Same concept as you can order a fully auto Sere without a Class 3 FFL as long as you dont put it in your lower until you get the Class 3...

Nope. Those are both examples of constructive possession. If you own an SBR upper and the lower on which to pin it and don't have SBR paperwork, then you have an SBR, or so the ATF has argued in court before.