Question on SB15 And C&R Status?

Good Guy

New member
As I understand SB15, handguns classified as Curios & Relics are exempt from restrictions under SB15. C&R status is determined by CA's DOJ as it is defined under Sec. 178.11 of title 27 of the code of federal regulations. I'm unfamiliar with this staute. Could someone sum it up in a nutshell what the minimum age and other defining characteristics of a C&R handgun are as listed by the feds? Or post a link to the Federal Regs? TIA
Thanks for the link EOD. So any handgun made prior to 1951 is still fair game under SB15's C&R exemption. I'm was looking for a 5 screw K38 and thought I was SOL after the first of the year. Guess I can keep shopping for one, so long as it's a 1950 or earlier vintage gun. :)